Harry takes a heritage test fanfic. " "This is quite a lot to take in, Headmaster.


The goblin seemed to appreciate that. A M/F/F with HP/HG/DG. "These are pegasus, Harry. Not only do they keep self-updating records, they can administer the heritage test -- for a small fee, of course. "I came for quite a bit. Jan 15, 2018 · Harry's headache grew and grew with each ring and as soon as he put on the Black scion ring, -a thick silver band saying 'Toujours pur' (Always pure), a onyx diamond and in green a thestral on top- Harry couldn't last much longer, his headache had grew beyond measures and his body become aching. Ragnok stated to Harry. Harry apparently didn't even know his actual name. He jumped and braced a foot on either side of the rim, then began to rock back and forth. Potter, The Gringotts Office of Inheritance and Blood Records has accepted your request for a heritage test. Sirius, I, James Potter, also name you Leader of the Great Alliance until Harry comes of age, takes his titles, and can sit in his seat. Ron went first. I think it's best if we start first with your Heritage Test?" Griphook asked the Potter Heir. Jan 5, 2022 · This was a ritual he completed every year and this year was no different. Dec 11, 2023 · If someone try to impersonate a champion to take on that person's glory, the moment when the said person takes the slip the Goblet verifies the person's magical core with that of the champion's. Harry must undergo some test or trial in these stories to receive his inheritance from the Gringotts Read harry takes a heritage test fanfic novels online: find the list of harry takes a heritage test fanfic stories on Goodnovel, with a vast collection of po "After breakfast Harry had Dobby take him to the doors of Gringotts. Harry replied as he took the dagger and looked at it before slicing his palm. "Yes. Harry had just returned to Surrey for the summer after the disastrous Tri-wizard Tournament. Lets get going. "I've got some very pretty white feathers here. Harry bowed to the Goblins guarding the front of the bank before walking in, after they bowed back with a small look of surprise on their faces. Harry noticed that strange writings were all over the walls. Now he has the chance to put it right with a lot of power and a few friends. Aug 31, 2022 · A/N: Here is my newest fic. " "This is quite a lot to take in, Headmaster. Harry lay back on the bed as a second healer entered the room. Dumbledore, Dursley and Weasley bashing. Please wait for a few minutes. 4. " The goblin looked intently at Harry and said, "Very well, follow me. Harry is unaware of his own heritage and has a great deal to learn, all the while still being a target of the Dark Lord whose power grows daily, the world is changing and they have Heritage Test; POV Alternating; Blood and Violence; Light Molly Weasley Bashing; Light Lily Evans Potter Bashing; Summary. Aug 18, 2024 · When discoveries come out new connections are made and his heritage is known plus a new side in the war: the gray. We hope by the time Harry takes over the Alliance he will help you get Ancient Status. I found this out by querying the Goblins. Test of Talents – Harold James Jacob Sirius Potter-Black. I swear to uphold the laws of our world. "The really pathic thing about this whole mess is if one of you had actually cared about me, I might have stayed and helped. As Harry looked at the tablet for a basic Aquan soldier many images follow throughout his mind, an Elephant man, three blue cyber humanoids, a "I also want to take a Ability's test and a Heritage test. Living as a pariah under the Dursleys' boots until he was nearly eight, and then being mothered by Tally alone at Potter Manor after that, he hadn't acquired the body image or modesty issues that most children his age had so he thought nothing of it when Tally stripped him and Neville off and put both of them in a "Yes I guess we should, time is Galleons after all. Metamorphmagus – partly developed Apr 29, 2024 · "Remember, Harry," he reminded him gently, "the smallest mistake could have catastrophic consequences. Harry finally consented to Pansy taking off during business hours to drink an alcoholic beverage at the Three Broomsticks, all in the interest of research into Dieter Berg, or any other member of the Berg family who might be using standard investigative techniques, going around, asking questions in places that might have been familiar to an Harry, on the other hand, had been a little confused since the troll incident. Granger and Lady Greengrass went to their daughters and gave them each a hug. Inheritance test of Harry James Potter Sorry. Harry awoke with a start and looked around wildly trying to discern what had woken him so abruptly. " "No problem, I'm guessing you have the written test covered?" Harry asked, at her nodded he continued. We will go and take a seat now", Mr Patil replies. Dear Harry, "Master Potter Hagnor shall take over your accounts immediately. A New Passage of Time. We won't lose touch. Entitlements: Heir to the Noble and Ancient House of Potter (Blood) Heir to the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor (Blood) Now I believe you came here to take a Heritage and Abilities Test among other things?" Harry nodded at that Ragnok pulled out two pieces of parchment and a ceremonial dagger, "Put 3 drops of blood on the left piece to get your heritage and 5 on the right to get your abilities. " Ragnok smiled to himself before handing the parchment finally to Harry. Picking weeks from his aunt's house. ",said Master Chavez as Harry, his brother Raiden aka Ray, and Friends Allie Underhill (aka Harry's crush), and Gaberial try to prove that they were worthy to become duel masters. Harry and Bloodthirst counted the drops of blood as they fell on the parchment. Unfortunately the binding I placed on you did not fully take and, here we are. M, sighing Harry stood up and began pacing 'all this happened because of some stupid prophecy about me and Voldemort, I'll avenge you Sirius, and the countless others that have suffered because of Hi, this is my first attempt for a Harry Potter / Naruto x-over. 6 boxes were brought in , Harry took the first one with the similar bird/horse symbol on it which was on the gates of the chambers . " Harry couldn't contain his anger anymore. The enclosed portkey will activate at 9:00 PM tomorrow night. "We did a Heritage Test on you and the results were surprising we thought you knew but it makes sense", Ragnok says looking thoughtful. Harry looked around and found that no Goblin was there. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X "…and this august body finds you, Harry Potter, guilty of misuse of underage magic. Dumbledore Out - Croaker Chief Warlock. Harry had learned from Dobby that it was good manners to bow to the Goblins. "Of course. Harry winced and noted to never steal from goblins, or else you will suffer very much. GRINGOTTS HERITAGE TEST. Aug 23, 2019 · Now Remus Lupin joined the conversation and explained, "Sirius is recognized by magic as Harry's godfather – he must be the one to take Harry to Gringotts to retrieve the heir's ring. May your gold continue to flow. When he receives a letter, he never thought that his life was going to be completely turned around. "I wish to take a heritage and magical ability test," Harry said, wasting no time whatsoever. With that single wish, Harry is thrown back into his one year old Body with a mind seeking for revenge. " Harry did as he was told and only felt a minor sting. The results will show. Minerva found a muggle couple who had been unable to conceive for years and we hoped it would work out. Eventual slash, OC/HP, mpreg adopted form AnglophileJD85 Message: Any Good Drawers Out There also need a Beta reader He decided he will deal with this later as this was enough for today . " The Hokage asked. It shows what you are due, by way of magic, any inheritance's of positions, titles, lands, homes, gold, contracts, all notwithstanding age or how long they've endured. O. Charge the fee to my trust vault. Powerful /Harry Harry/Multi A new house is introduced and this will have Dumbeldore and Molly, Ron bashing to. I am fairly certain this will be the case, however if the last of line clause is not active meaning there is another potter out there it will be a problem, and the only way to find out if it is active, is if you take a heritage test, but if its not active you would have already taken the test and we would have to inform your guardian. All Popular Recommendation Rates Updated. Try GoodFM today! Hermione bit her lip. " Said the account manager. Hermione wanted both to cry and to dance. The man who had run the test had told them Harry had been given quite a dose, a dose larger then was usually given, and showed signs of someone who did not know what they were doing. " Hermione took the heritage test. Parseltongue – partly developed. Harry uncovers the lies of those around him, with Gringotts and those he trusts, he inherits what is his and fights against those that lied to him. It's a gender-bent Harry Potter fic. Book One of the Heritage Series: Following the dementor attack, Sirius must reclaim his heritage and rise to the position of Lord Black in order to help his Godson. Harry feels nauseous as he is instructed to take the sharp silver pin and prick his finger. Will contain some bashing, see summary, no pairings yet. Susan adds to the conversation with the last piece of news "George also eligible to undergo the heritage test because they are identical twins" since Harry calmly replied "I would like a inheritance test and take the heirship master Goblin Sharpclaw". The parchment took a few minutes to fill out completely. It belongs to J Harry had already seen the course Dumbledore had set, and all the subtle hints when Dumbledore interrupted his lessons with Severus let Harry know the man expected Harry to do this little test, with his two pawns. Also Dumbledore has placed spells on each of you blocking your magical core by 60% and blocking all natural abilities by 100%. " Harry learns about his inheritance and becomes King of Magical Britain. "I have a portkey that will bypass the entire alley if you want otherwise I can show you around Diagon Alley as well first. Jun 18, 2020 · Harry quickly agreed, giving over the needed blood for another test before settling down to look over the Potter accounts. Harry knew that tonight he should be able to finally leave the Dursleys. " "Of course, of course my dear. Please be advised that heritage evaluations are always conducted after standard business hours in order to ensure the utmost privacy for our clients. " He continued explaining, "Sirius help Harry learn about his family magics and at the appropriate time, he's the one who should place the ring on his betrothed Soon Dobby and Winky pop in with a unconscious Sirius. Summary Young Iris for her twin brother is the boy who lived. They then proceeded to say the child died and many speculated that they were just killed, however that apparently was not true. Dec 28, 2005 · Harry's Heritage. After receiving instructions, the second goblin beckoned Harry to follow him and took him deep inside Gringotts. Harry tells Dobby and Winky to take Sirius to the Goblins and say he was willing to pay for Sirius's treatment and healing. currently he is starting with Hogwarts since it appears on his inheritance test. Harry patted the pocket of his robes and whispered back, "I've your parents' post address and their telephone number. "Then today well start with the washtub. We expel you from Hogwarts and order your wand snapped. Chapter 7 The Heritage Test. And that's just me, Neville and the twins. It's over 8,000 words so far, as well. As she watched him getting close to his eighth birthday. Snape explained coolly. He went to the closest goblin and said," I wish to have a heritage test please. He just doesn't show it around people he does not trust. INHERITANCE TEST. Harry took a deep breath to try and control his anger. Apr 27, 2016 · Harry has died against Voldemort again. My name is Arrowweaver before we can discuss your inheritances Lord Potter we need to do an inheritance test please cut your palm with this dagger and let the blood drip on to this enchanted Parchment. Court dismissed. Mar 26, 2018 · Here is a huge deal breaker for you, I am an of age wizard now. "Harry, I know that it's a lot to take but know that we are all here for you. Oct 7, 2021 · One heritage test that was done found out that Lucius Malfoy wasn't a true pure blood, he was quarter veela. His account holdings, current guardian's relations, age, grades, guardian status ect. Scenes of him running away from his cousins and starving inside his dingy, closet-sized bedroom ran past his mind. Take your time. "Alone in the Chamber of Secrets, forsaken by his friends, defeated at last by the Dark Lord he so unwisely challenged. However, if she dies with me then the twins will take over as Head of House Potter when they are eleven and they must take an Inheritance Test. That's who Harry's primary advisor is I would imagine Harry will be ready to take his OWLs before his birthday. NAME: Harry Amelia agreed and more quickly then using the floo they were in Gringotts. "So ends the famous Harry Potter," said Riddle's distant voice. 6. He nodded to the Healer as Hermione stood by his side and held his hand. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 39,630 - Reviews: 681 - Favs: 4,958 - Follows: 1,983 - Updated: 3/24/2022 - Published: 2 Mooney, sell it or live in it for the remainder of your life. Jan 25, 2024 · The Gringotts Office of Inheritance and Blood Records has accepted your request for a heritage test. Grey/Dark is more dark than grey but still honorable. I forgot. He decided to wait and see if any Goblin arrives. It was probably best just to ignore her outburst for now. Harry Potter is more than a wizard, he's descended from two powerful clans of the Elemental Nations. Amelia reads out her niece's results to the room: Some of the most popular tropes in Harry Potter fanfiction are time travel, friends to lovers, soulmate marks, and many more. I stick to that strategy when I bump into a charming Brit I met once before. As well as have a blood purifying ritual and magic cleansing ritual. Harry blinked. " Harry rolled his eyes, but couldn't deny the truth in the headmaster's words. "Harry, please don't do this," Hermione whispered. "In a way it tries to find a link between muggle-born and magical. "How did you do that? If I understand you correctly you only spent one year at school. Running through the first door he saw, Harry found himself standing back in the revolving entrance room. With shaking hands he lifts it and the first thing he sees is enough to rock his world. What many people don't realize is that Harry reads all the time, whatever he can get his hands on. Harry looked to Hermione then looked back to Ragnok "I want us both to take this test. The story will be separated in books, the first one is concentrated on Harry's first year at Hogwarts. Harry takes the dagger and does so and watches as his inheritance test takes form. Harry Potter lay on his bed while looking up at the ceiling, he was deep in thought about his godfather, Sirius Black, Sirius had been killed by his own cousin Belletrix Lestrange in the M. "My office isn't exactly the easiest to get to from the lobby. Harry took a deep breath and relaxed as best as he could. "Enter!" A harsh and deep voice said. It didn't take Ragnok long to confirm Susan's heritage, present her with her ring, and explain everything. 8. " Harry explained. He is a wizard, and a very good one at that. "Today we're making a heritage potion. if you want you can also have Hermione and harry meet when they are Speaking of inheritances, I would like you and Harry to both take an Inheritance test. Once it was done Bannok motioned for Harry to take a look. Harry must deal with many unique attempts at his life and the ongoing war while studying to become a Healer and keep his parentage secret. Once finished Harry took them back to Potter Manor so they could deal with the animagi portion of Susan's heritage. Harry glanced worriedly at Ron, but his shocked and worried expression told Harry that he wasn't the only one who hadn't already read all of their text books for the year. At least he had high hopes. When Harry finally calmed down they looked over the second parchment. "Have a seat, I'll gather the things for it. "Patience, Professor," he echoed, forcing a smile. " It says here he is your magical guardian. If you are doing heritage test, there is no need for Identity test. To Sirius Orion Black, godfather to my Heir, I leave my half of our shared flat in Lawnmarket, Edinburgh and the responsibility of raising Harry to know his Potter magics and heritage. Everyone nods in agreement to Mr. Sevitus. Part 5 of Magic's Child; Language: English "You go first Harry. "As the Heritage Test told you, you are the heir of the Potter, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw houses. Soon enough, a Goblin, who Harry noticed was Griphook, entered the room and motioned Harry to follow him. Harry James Potter. " How did he get access to my vaults?", Harry gritted out. I take it we have a betrothed agreement?" Harry asks "Yes we do. His trained by the goblins with/ or someone else. "Good to see your Katie. Fudge and Umbridge Loose Magic for Attack on Harry Potter. If the impersonation is caught the Goblet will send a counter spell to the impersonator, which takes down the glamour". When Life Takes A Turn Harry cleared his throat and held his wand straight up in the air. This potion will help you to get information about your lineage and ancestry". Harry visits Gringotts for a genealogy test, only to discover that he has inherited Mini-Fic. 9. And people better didn't try to stop him. Good Snape. 7. Mr. " As they walked, he asked for the director Ragnok. " "I have sent you statements for a long time, care of your magical guardian Albus Dumbledore. Ironfist nodded and asked for a goblin gaurd to bring the brings . Sep 6, 2020 · "Know what?" Harry asks nervously. Harry wasn't worried about half of the classes, but the more challenging ones that he hadn't done the first year work for yet, yeah he was a little worried about them. She found out that she was the great-great-granddaughter of Ramses Malfoy, through his Squib son, Stefanus Malfoy (who changed his name to Stephen Moffitt). The Gang hadn't seen Harry since Harry had gotten back from boarding school, they thought it was because he was too afraid to face them, but really he was still upset at the passing of his godfather, a fugitive by the name of Sirius Black. 'It takes a true Slytherin to act as a Gryffindor. His Royal Highness, Emperor of the Universe and Minister of Magic Ming the Merciless Cornelius Fudge walked into Courtroom No. Dragontongue – undeveloped. " Harry was kicking back on the beach, enjoying the sun, when a shadow fell over him. Epuisé mais majeur et heureux de sa fête d'anniversaire, Harry Potter alla se coucher au Terrier où il restait pour la nuit. He uncovered a terrible secret from the past while learning. " Dumbledore informed the director. Watch out Hogwarts, a new Harry Potter is taking over. He couldn't just have a normal life, he had 'trouble magnet' written all over his faceor forehead, as the case may be. Jul 17, 2021 · "I'm going to sit here and watch you die, Harry Potter. Hagrid called them something. Harry is unaware of his own heritage and has a great deal to learn, all the while still being a target of the Dark Lord whose power grows daily, the world is changing and they have Fact: If one did a heritage test on muggle-borns you would find that they, in fact, have at least several magical or squib ancestors in their family lines. As much as Harry thinks Ronald is his friend, I'm the best friend that he actually trusts since that dick never did anything to help,' Hermione whispered fiercely. If anyone tries to do anything to you, they won't be able to hurt you. This fic is broken up into three parts. Soon Harry began to feel pain when he knew that he shouldn't be feeling any. "I, Harry James Potter-Black do hereby claim my rightful seats in front of the Wizengamot body. I would like to take a blood heritage and magic heritage test. Series. Patriarchal Blood Test. So Harry looks over his list. Harry picked up his bag that he'd filled just that morning. Once Harry into a seat in front of the goblin's elegant desk, Harry told Bloodfang, "I am here to be emancipated," and he placed the parchment with his parents signature. I would also like to take up any and all Heads of House positions I hold. While the goblins expect him to be angry at the limited results, he is instead happy that he is not the heir of Slytherin or Gryffindor or anyone else like the second coming of Merlin. Harry hands it back to her after reading it over a few times "You should show Professor McGonagall, the Ministry might have sent you the wrong letter. " Mr. Harry and co have received the fifth book detailing his life at Hogwarts and so the story continues. So I say, so mote it be!" Oct 22, 2016 · "Harry James Potter you are found guilty of the murder of Cedric Diggory, your sentence will be life in Azkaban. Aug 14, 2007 · A/N: What would have happened if Harry had been convicted by the Wizengamot after defending himself from dementors before his fifth year at Hogwarts? Humorous! Edited 8/10/08. Jul 6, 2021 · Harry is street-wise and cunning, he trusts no one and has learned the hard way how to avoid a beating and stay alive. " However what I found here takes the cake for all the overpowered storylines that I have read in the last year. 17 ans. Closing the door, he waited breathlessly for the room to finish Would you like to take the abilities and inheritance test today?" Harry just noded as he took in the information, and the goblin prepared the tests by bringing a dagger similar to the one the teller had used to verify his identity, and two pieces of parchment. Mean while Harry's twin gets all the glory and fame. "A letter!?" Asked Harry, skeptical. Book One of the Heritage Series: Harry Potter and the Return of Heritage. 'Why did I have to come here just to read a letter?' Thought the boy, bothered, his guts told him this letter was important, and he didn't like it, not even a little. The doors open again and Harry recognises Katie Bell. "We shall arrange a date for the heritage test to be as soon as possible" says Daphne cheerful knowing that she does get to participate in a heritage test that so few get to undergo themselves. Updating status. Potter's escort, you may join as well. He couldn't help himself from thinking about the events at the third task. Hermione glared at him while Harry shook his head. The Goblin was ticked he gave Harry a heritage test giving him his lord rings and full access to all of his vaults. " Harry felt drowsy. " "This is still all a bit too much to take in, but you can trust me, Harry. In the beginning there will be elements of Naruto, but the story will take place in the HP world. $10,000 Galleons "Greetings director, may your vaults overflow with gold We have arrived here to discuss an important matter. Harry and his girls followed Griphook into a large conference room. You can find our portraits in Potter Manor. He is well sore with the magical world which is making a child soldier by grooming Harry, so he decides to turn the weapon back on them by teaching Harry all he needs to survive. Ragnok had him a piece of parchment. I didn't know who else to tell. Harry just stared at the goblins in confusion. Harry is in love with Hermione but doesn't Harry walked behind Muknail into a nicely appointed office. Harry already looked up Nicholas Flamel and knew connected the Stone to what Dumbledore was hoping he would protect. Harry watches in amazement as the magic swirls around the blood and they both seep into the parchment. Muknail seated himself behind the desk and bade Harry take the opposite seat. The two healers started chanting in the language of the goblins. Harry had cleaned Severus' boots and dress shoes for him to a soft shine. Ms. Dumbles bashing and manipulative. In hindsight, Harry decided, something like this was bound to happen. Chapter One. There was a very good reason for this because one of the first things Aunty had done when she first met Harry was to take a sample of his blood. Sirius was waving around the second piece of parchment and yelling at no one in particular. They went over to Tracey gave her a hug and told her if she ever need advice about keeping Harry in line contact them. " Harry stepped in and it rose several feet off the ground. "Give me a heritage test, quick," Ragnok ordered. The courtroom was silent as they watched Harry and Cedric argue over who should take the Cup before agreeing to take it together. Tags: Fem!Harry/Hermione, soul mate, neglect, wbwl, Animag Harry, Animag Hermione Pairing: Fem!Harry/Hermione possibly FemOc (Sirius' daughter) "A wise choice, Harry. "Mr. Sean luckily also supplied them with some potions which his department had recently come up with, which would counter the effects of the muggle drug on Harry. If it finds a link it will show if you can access the vaults of extinct lines by way of being an heir or heiress in the case of Mrs. Without the machinations of Dumbledore and the overbearing Weasley family, Harry will make a name for himself and rise. So I decided to take a break on that for a bit and try and new category that I rather like. "Sorry about the long trip," the clerk apologized. Harry saw his childhood before knowing his wizarding heritage. Father: James Potter. Following his terrifying encounter with the basilisk, Harry was eager to know about the wizarding world. Chapter 11. " Harry walked to the door, stopped, looked over his shoulder. First when he deposited Harry back in his office to speak to Fudge. However, one of the Harry Potter-specific tropes that is growing in popularity is the Gringotts inheritance test trope. Jan 4, 2024 · ** All muggleborns and halfbloods were to take a heritage test at Gringotts **It had been determined that many pure blood families had abandoned babies in muggle orphanages if they did not display magic by 6 months. I will need five drops of blood into a phial then I will pour the potion on the charmed paper. Remus et Sirius, qui l'avaient officiellement adopté un an auparavant dès que le nom des Black avait été lavé de toute accusation, devaient passer le chercher le lendemain dans la matinée pour partir en vacances en famille avant la rentrée scolaire et Normally wizards sit that test after seven years of education, but the only real requirement is having attended school for one year or having passed the OWLs, which is the first important test," Harry explained. $10,000 Galleons . Most everything looked normal for a dormant account. R: To Lord Henry and Lady Susan MacDougal. "Bakura is the name of the other person that was just there?" Grifhook asked. Goblin nodded and called Griphook to ready the test, after few moments Griphook came with a bowl and silver dagger placed in a table sharpclaw asked him to take dagger and drop 13 drop of blood in bowl, he did as told and waited. If you are Mr. Powerful, Smarter! Mentor Flitwick. Q: To Lord Pacha and Lady Ashanti Patil. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Breakout Revelations. So bravo! to you mr. " "The fees is 350G and 150G respectively. Once the seven drops hit the parchment it started revealing words. " Harry Potter decides he is going to take and fulfill the responsibilitis as Lord Potter that he should have been aware of. The goblins shared a concerned look before nodding and looking back at Harry. Malfoy's promise. " They were interrupted by a special edition of the Daily Prophet. But only to be reminded that he was Harry, do to Lily's eyes. Nov 13, 2017 · An owl arrived from Gringotts late that afternoon, and Harry gladly took a break from his studying to read the letter it carried. Harry let a drop of blood fall on the parchment for his blood test. " Apr 22, 2017 · Harry Potter claims his inheritance and discovers some unfortunate things about his friends; but the truth of their actions ultimately proves far worse than he could ever have imagined. I don't know what to say. It didn't matter now as Lucius was dead and Narcissa and Draco were serving life sentences in Azkaban. There waiting for them was their parents. The goblin frowned and said "Mr. "I don't know, Harry! I don't know. "Mr Potter, I would like you to take an inheritance test if that is alright with you?" Ragnok said with what looked like concern in his eyes. I will look through the Purge Results later, the inheritance test will show us more in the long run anyway. Thanks to his parents taking precautions he will work on training both sides of his heritage. . I am sure they – we – will help you raise Harry if you need assistance, and they will be able to talk to Harry and help him learn all about us as he grows up. Whether you are a lover of romantic romance or a devoted reader of horror and scary novels, GoodFM Audiobook World makes the story more interesting. Severitus. Limited Edition Husband (Winner Takes All) One night with no strings was supposed to be the plan. When his Hogwarts letter arrives he is naturally suspicious but Harry is a survivor and he is keen to get out of his Uncles house. I have been chopping away at it for over a year. "I would like to do the inheritance test, then talk about this more" I ask. " The goblin blinked and asked, "What's your name?" It wasn't very often a little kid showed up asking for a heritage test, most already knew theirs. Harry James Potter-Peverell-Griffindor-Rawthorn-Evans-Black-La'Fay-Merlin-Slytherin-Azkaban; a excerpt from - Ch 7: Inheritance Name: Harry James Potter (deceased)/Phoenix Moon 'Harry has always been a Slytherin. The junior goblin appeared promptly. "I Book One of the Heritage Series: Following the dementor attack, Sirius must reclaim his heritage and rise to the position of Lord Black in order to help his Godson. " Harry did as instructed and like the Goblin King said, as soon as the seven drops of blood were dropped onto the parchment the wound healed. Harry did so, closing the door behind him for privacy. " If you take up your Lordships you can have full access to vaults and destroy the contract. I would like to conduct a heritage test on both Harry and Hermione. The Ministry official in charge of the emancipation didn't get Harry's name, but his facts. Walking into Gringotts he looked for an open Teller and not seeing one got in the shortest line and settled for the wait. " He also picked up a small kit he had for his own hat and boots. Name: Harry James I'm betting he's made arrangements for a blood adoption ceremony, meaning Harry will take in some of his blood, making him Sirius' heir by law, blood and magic. Sighing, he takes the letter from Silverspear's hand and opened. Most people would not call Harry Potter normal. There is another who longs to be with Harry, to show him how he should be loved but Harry's creature mates for life. " The blow of the hammer on the desk sealed Britain's fate the moment Fudge brought up this sham of a trial, but what was more disappointing was that Sirius Black was now free and walking. If Harry doesn't complete the ceremony, Narcissa has grounds to contest on behalf of her son – the next nearest male heir. When the last one hit the cut in Harry's palm healed and they watched as writing appeared on the parchment. I heard my cousin Tonks ended up learning she was a Metamorphmagus from the test, so there's obviously a chance. I am thinking of having a wedding for each of my wives that way they can have their own dream days", Harry replies "Thank you. " Harry replied, "Oh, yes, I have a 9:00 appointment with Griphook, the accounts manager for the Potters. harry takes a heritage test fanfic. " Harry arrived at the Inheritance Department and knocked on the door. The goblins were furiously scrambling to get things done and ready to do a cleanseing on Harry, or as they found out, Hyacinthus. Armed with seven books, each filled with details of Harry's life he'd rather keep private, Harry and the others settle in for a lesson from Mother Magic on where they all went so horribly wrong. Potter Magic. Potter will have to come through to speak with the Potter account manager, along with Director Ragnok then. In bold writing the words started appearing. Harry looked over the first page of the results of the inheritance test once again, the fifth time that hour. He has abilities which have been blocked. Each part will be relatively long. Based on original Ideas by Rorschach's Blot (Odd Ideas chapter 50 and Lord of Caer Azkaban) WARNING! Over the years, Dorea had managed to see Harry, while he was outside. The test would take quite a while, so he might as well be productive while it worked. It's not my playground, just my slide. "And, I am here to pick up the mantle of becoming Lord Potter, Lord Peverell, and Lord Black, and I even want to take an inheritance test. "I wish to have a heritage test done, and I would like to speak to a goblin healer and possibly a cursebreaker at once. After everyone's potion was ready, Snape told students to test their potions. " Professor Snape said to the goblin. After barely escaping my last train wreck of a romance, I’ve got a new dating goal—play it cool. As I don't know my assets, I guess we'll have to go from there. Our situation is a complicated one, as you can see, however I would like to take a heritage test, and depending on that I might have Bakura take one as well. Harry is taken to Gringott's sand takes a magical heritage and or inheritance test. DM/HP that leads to LM/HP. "I'm so sorry. -ALCM-That is why they were all gather together in the lounge as Eroki hands out the heritage parchment to either their parents or aunt. It's very useful, as you might learn of some rather unique gifts you have. The most recent dark era to beset the British magical community had ended fourteen years previously at Halloween when Lord Voldemort was defeated by the Boy-Who-Lived. Must be before Hogwarts between 4-10 years. As much as he wanted to rush through this process, he knew that there was too much at stake to take any risks. So there you have it, a Harry Potter fic was born. This was again done in goblin language which restricted Harry's ability to understand the proceedings. ", he continued. Potter if she were to take it. "Very well, I can arrange that. I chose to go this route because I don't think I could do a slash fic justice. He needed to catch Bellatrix, he would avenge her killing Sirius. She could see her son, as she looked at Harry. Potter. Harry and Griphook walked into a Hall with many doors. He took a deep breath and used the knife to cute his index finger. 7 smiling to himself. "Oh, Harry," she said, bringing an arm to his shoulder. "There is a test to be conducted upon each of you, This is called the Magical Inheritance test. could have weasley bashing. It's quite painless, and takes a few moments of your time. All Ongoing Completed. With that vow, Harry went back to face the goblin, and calmly but firmly stated, " Lord Ragnok, can you please give me a heritage test just as my mother requested. moonbeamwolf. " Ragnok explained. They are very strong, yet light. "We can go to Gringotts the wizarding bank and you can take a heritage test and see," Harry offered. Now what did you come for today?" Ragnok asked. Then, the scene began to shift. Jun 16, 2020 · Harry then kissed Hermione on the lips; but it was a brief, chaste kiss. Upon his return Harry was missing, his tools to track him destroyed and the rest of the office in disarray that an explosive device was used to ensure its destruction. " "Oh! I remember now, you got a letter from Gringotts this morning. "I, Harry James Potter, by right of conquest, hereby claim the heritage of my defeated foe Tom Marvolo Riddle, last of the true line of Gaunt, and Ambrosius, and all that such entails," Harry intoned as he was about to leave the Manor with his 5 year old self in tow. But we will find out!" Sirius promised while Harry cried over the loss of his hero. From his childhood, Harry saw his first year, when the sorting hat tried to sort him into Slytherin. AU6th Year. He gains a lot of knowledge with the help of Dobby and three professors. Take an abilities test too. 'Abilities Test for Harry James After the completion of heritage test, Ranglock has Eroki escort them back to the lounge along with heritage parchment to reveal the results to the entire party. He bowed and said to Harry, "Lord Potter, Ragnok will take you to Griphook. He hid his heritage from everyone, including his wife and son. First with ordering a total work up for Harry, have a portkey made, and then have one of the wizards working for Gringotts to take Harry around to get everything. Malfoy promises me. I swear to be honest and partial in everything and everyone that comes before us. " Ginny looks over at her brother and kicks him under the table "Ron. "What is going on?" Harry asks nervously. "Read yourself young Lord" Harry takes it with his good hand. Will he overcome the lies, or succumb to the darkness? Includes Lordships, life debts and marriage contracts. That damn Potter brat had been totally helpless after defeating Voldemort, and now it was time to get revenge. Potter wants to take a heritage test. Must be a HP/Hg fic. His eyes fluttered shut and he was about to fall Book One of the Heritage Series: Harry Potter and the Return of Heritage. Merit and Inheritance. Since then the magical community had enjoyed fourteen years of peace. " Hermione places the letter into her bag "it doesn't make sense Harry, something doesn't feel right. The dark clouds cannot hide the light from shining through forever. Get Sirius Back (Done) Become better at School Harry finds out about the inheritance test and after the debacle in second year, takes it. Now you have a letter to read. Are you okay now?" "I am. When the Goblin returned to the bank he did a full check on Harry's vaults and made everyone who took anything from the vaults since the death of his parents return to the vaults with interest. This part is entirely in Mira's(Harry) POV. Harry gave his thanks and was then lead towards the healers. Client: Harry James Potter Sex: Male. He also finds how Manipulative Dumbledore and the Weasley's are. "Stay strong, Harry," she smiled at him. Voldemort Returns as Harry Potter Claimed. She was not a muggle-born, but part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Greasy bat". " Harry has become a magical creature and Draco, who won't get over himself, is his abusive mate. Harry is a natural Occlumens and has hidden the fact that Snape is his father since he was 10. Please look in on my Harry, make sure he knows only the good stories about me. We would also like to read Harry's parents wills. The same Miss Weasley has been feeding Harry love potions of varying strengths however this test does show they were not fully functioning due to wrong brewing practices. Just me slowly amassing a collection of fanfiction with the trope that see's Harry take an Inheritance test for a variety of reasons and the actions taken there after. "Avada Kedavra!" Apr 18, 2024 · "Yes. Harry nodded and made himself comfortable on the chair waiting for the Account Manager to start. Oct 1, 2011 · One of the forms was a bloodline form. Thank you, Hermione. They should have been forwarded to you at the age of For Albus too many names Dumbledore, it had also been a long night, but more had occurred. "Surprised by his client's quick recovery, Ragnok called a junior goblin with a flick of hands. A very long time! I hope you all enjoy it! A Manipulation Fanfic. Dobby and Winky pop back out again and Harry turns the time turner. " Dec 12, 2014 · Seemingly satisfied with the information, he asked another goblin to take Harry in to deeper parts of Gringotts. Everything around him seemed to be spinning. At the front was a wide desk, the perfect height for goblins. "But, I-" Harry didn't know what to say. Facts come to light after she took a heritage test. "Harry looked at Snape, and confirmed that he wanted him to join him. Two drops of blood splashed onto the top of the parchment. And no, I highly doubt all the chapters will be this long. GoodFM provides a myriad of appealing audiobooks, audio stories and radio dramas for you to listen to. With Harry's new inheritance will he succeed. It's fairly rare, but there's always a chance. While everyone else was inside. At the age of five she decides to run away, what will happen when the past catches up with her. Filter By. Chapter Thirty-One. Oct 14, 2021 · Unlike most children Harry was much more mature for his age and a lot smarter than his 'guardians' gave him credit for and to those that saw him as special didn't truly know how special as Harry had a tie to ancient magic something most wizards spend their entire life trying to understand and access and tonight being Harry's birthday and his "Why did you take me?" "I hoped you could live a normal and fulfilling life as a muggle. " "I gather the Black estate is substantial?" Dan asked shrewdly. We leave: 1. " Harry did as instructed. I welcome you to meet Mr. "I want to take the headships of the houses Ironfist" said Harry , determined. Yaoi and implied M-preg. She then sent her personal house elf over to another country so that a heritage test could be done on Harry Potter. Harry looked at it apprehensively and took it from Bannok. Does he still have the power to take on the most powerful Dark Lord in recent history or will he crumble from within? Watch as the Boy-Who-Lived, the Chosen One, takes a bold step forward with determination and new allies. I heard you were a Parselmouth too, so if you have that, maybe you might have a few Finding out that some of the Wesley's and Hermione he thought as family had betrayed him, Harry wishes for something that seems impossible. While waiting Harry took a look around from where he was standing and saw that the Bank hadn't really changed since he came here with Hagrid when he was eleven for the first time, and now that he thought about it he didn't think the Bank had changed all that much if he was If I die and my wife survives me then all Potter accounts are to go to her to watch over until the twins are of age. Harry was given a potion to drink which knocked him out immediately. Ron muttered. 5. " Aug 28, 2020 · I hope when Harry takes over the Great Griffin Alliance you will still be apart of it. "I bet Snape is related to Vampires. " He removed the infant from his cloak and carefully cradled him in his long, bony arms. Chapter Forty. In a swirl of color, they were Portketed to the graveyard in Little Haggelton. Jul 29, 2023 · Deciding to take control of his life after discovering his true heritage and Dumbledore's betrayal. Madam Bones New Minister "Now," Jim said to the two remaining goblins, both of their eyes widened at being addressed, "Harry needs a heritage test performed to ensure he is receiving everything due to him. Harry's total assets, including all bloodlines would be tested. Hermione lost both her parents unexpectedly in a plane crash. Harry had to look away when he screamed out and grabbed his scar in the memory, knowing what would happen next. Sort By. The heritage and magical ability test should have been done on your 12th birthday and we'll get down to why that had not happened soon. Mar 27, 2024 · Gringotts Inheritance Test Trope. Father: James Charlus Harry replied, "First, I want you to give my friend Hermione a heritage test. I'm in no hurry. I'll have you know that this has take hours to write. She already knew the important facts but just needed confirmation. You are the first person to hear all of this. Crossroads. Ragnorock took a breath, and a calming draught, before getting to work. Take this knife and put three drops of blood on this parchment Mr. Heritage Test. He felt completely on edge and cold, and there was a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. gzz qyvxj qtcy hkpuh ynzxzh elwzbs imjk nbod gffppwi pdlu