Girlfriend says she needs time to find herself. If you have the right woman, she will make time for you.


Is this a legitimate reason to end a relationship, or is their a bigger motive behind it. She’s manipulative. They believe your ex means that you need to make some changes, before she thinks about patching things up. And our last text ended up with her mad. Our relationship went very fast. Maybe you'll find someone else. Does it mean that she's just taking a step back from the relationship so she can focus on her own needs? Written by: Gillian Reynolds 3 days ago · She may need time to recharge and process her thoughts and emotions in many cases. ” “I need to find out if I really want to be with you. First its that she needs to find herself, then that she's not happy with you, but then says that she still wants you, just not until you get back. She wants all your free time. Apr 11, 2015 · Relationship Surgery · April 11, 2015 · April 11, 2015 · Dec 15, 2022 · That’s a hard pill to swallow, but you must do it. been there… lol. Nov 21, 2023 · Managing Opposite Needs Regarding Closeness and Space . At first, everything is just peaches and cream and then it all just takes a nasty turn. I ask her out on a date and she says she's not ready for relationship and needs time to think. It’s an emotional gut punch, like in Sex and the City 2 , when Big suggests Carrie sleep at her old place two nights a week. com/atomic-attraction/If your girlfriend has asked for space or is telling She is self-aware enough to see the potential for this: she needs to continue to grow as an individual, to find out who she is when she's not in a relationship, and what truly are her goals in life. She said that she just needs time to work on herself and that she can already tell it’s working. We both don't know the exact time or date when we will get back together, but she said she won't make me wait more than 3 months. Some of us are able to handle those demands better than others. We are both very strong in Christ and we live according to GOD’s word and HIS WILL. My 34 year old girlfriend pretty much ended our 4 month relationship today. ” “I don’t know what I want. May 17, 2023 · It’s also possible that your girlfriend simply needs more space or time to herself. Dec 24, 2022 · She needs time to realize what her wants, needs, likes, and loves are in her life. When a Girl Says: “We need to talk. 2. I know she broke up with her ex 3 weeks ago, l know from a friend of her that he was a suffocating boyfriend and she basically couldn't go out alone, so she broke up. " You've got to keep in mind that she's not planning to talk about the relationship. If she’s come right out and said she needs more time alone, that’s a pretty undeniable clue. I don't know why. She said I was to possessive and she feels smothered. She has disrespected you by canceling and avoiding instead of being honest. She is seeing where it goes with the new guys. Be patient and wait for her to be ready. Nov 30, 2020 · You’re moving out acts like you’re not worthy and not deserving of her, when the reality is you guys live together, and you’re both in the lease, and she says she wants space. She said we had been fighting a lot. Basically, these women think that not all hope for rekindling your relationship is lost. She needs time to recover from the breakup and so do you. . She needs it. When you hear her say this, it may be her way of 'letting you down easy' and typically means: 1. Jun 6, 2018 · Your girlfriend tells you she needs to be alone for a while and you immediately are filled with worry. What the heck do you think it means? What should you do? You should leave her alone and do nothing. 15 minutes. Sorry but it’s the truth cause it’s been used in many situations like yours and it’s been used on me. My girlfriend of 5 years is saying she needs to be alone and work on herself. Given that much of our ideas about sexuality are based on the "male as default," women expect their If she wants to break up every time you leave, just to get back together when you're here, thats not stable and honestly toxic. developattraction. Just sucks knowing I got her to this point. Instead, she may say something along the lines of, “I just need some space to find myself again,” or, “I just need a little space to think things over for a while,” suggesting that she’s not intending to break up with him, but she wants to create a little more distance between them for a while so that she can “find herself” or Oct 13, 2015 · My girlfriend of a year and a half recently told me that she needs time to focus on herself if things will ever work. You can do this by spending more time with her and showing her that you care about her. The problem with the way you responded is that you said you like the way she is, but who she's shown you she is, isn't who she really is. ” Best Case Scenario: There’s something on her mind or going on in her life that she thinks you need to know about. She expresses in the mean time she wants to hang out with me without the BS, and hopes for a platonic relationship in the mean time. Respect her request and avoid bombarding her with messages, calls, or constant attention. trust me. She's focusing on herself and is going to keep doing that unless something bad happens to her that makes her regret breaking up with you. - Give her what she's asking, space/time. Everyone has different needs when it comes to social interaction and emotional connection, and while it might be difficult for you to understand why she suddenly seems distant, it may just be a reflection of her personal preferences or personality traits. One or both partners in a relationship may need space from each other from time to time. She feels that she needs to grow as an individual and find out who she is, who she now inspires to be and that she need to be on her own for once in her life to be able to do this. Sometimes, a girl might break up with you because she’s looking to find herself and finds that she really should not have left in the first place. Jul 25, 2023 · In reality, not having separate lives is more of a threat to your relationship than your partner’s need for time to themselves. She said that she just needs time to find herself and that she needs to find out where she wants to be in life and if at this young of an age wants to be in a relationship as strong as ours because she said that she is afraid she may love me and is unsure if “I need some space. She just had weeks to her self because she blew you off. Dec 31, 2018 · So I’ve been dating this girl for around 10 months and I’m so in love with her now she says she needs a break and we should use this time to find our selves. She needs time but she needs a lot more. ” I asked her why we needed to break up so she could work on herself if nothings going to be different except we’re less touchy now. 3. She’ll find someone’s to leach on to and manipulate. After all, you are two different trees. She said I was making it more than it is and she just needs time to focus on herself as she hasn’t been ok mentally and really focusing on herself and letting herself slip. She said that she needs time and space to find her feet and to get settled before we can try again. She is possessive. She told me she still loves me, has feelings for me, and wants to get back together. Apr 25, 2024 · You may also find that your girlfriend takes longer to respond or avoids deeper topics like sharing her feelings. Obviously. Maybe your partner’s need for alone time bothers you because you’re not okay with being alone yourself. She needs therapy. Somewhere along the way, her feelings of respect and attraction for her man started to fade and eventually she began to think something like, “Is this it? She wants to open herself up to other guys, but doesn’t want to admit it. But that’s not all! I know that you’re scared of losing her forever, but giving her space is actually the key to getting her back. As always, it takes two. But if you two had gone through a rough patch or are having constant problems, there are some negative vibes when she says so. i know it feels like the world is ending. I need time alone to think about it. She wants time to herself for her mental health, she has depression and anxiety and says that she’s doesn’t feel supported by me and that I don’t understand. But also that I should't wait around. She wants you to spend all your free time with her, and she wants you all to herself. Run and never look back. You don't get to pick which tree your relationship is, only the one you want to work towards. Jul 2, 2024 · She needs some time and space to work out exactly how she feels and what she wants right now. If she says she wants to focus on herself, you should let her do that. Having differing needs for space and closeness doesn’t mean you’re a mismatch. May 5, 2023 · – She needs time to make decisions about the relationship – Implement the No-Contact Rule – Reflect on the relationship and areas for improvement: 3-4 weeks – She’s dealing with personal or external issues – She needs time to focus on herself or her own well being – Continue practicing patience and respecting her need for space Aug 19, 2022 · The truth is: if she wanted to end things, then that would save me time to find the person I’m meant to be with, and if not, then that’s nothing I need to worry about and we’ll figure it out. ” “I need time to find myself. Or multiples. Conclusion. It’s not she just needs time. On some level, I know its true that she should concentrate on fixing her financial situation. You arent what she wants. Recently she told me that she needed some time to find herself with everything going on with the divorce the bi sexual exp and our relationship she has not had time to be free and she says she loves me and wants me with her but needs to figure some things out and that she will return. All I’m saying is, if a woman says she needs a month to herself, that’s a red flag. She fells there is so much for her to see, so much to do, and so many people to meet. If you have spent too much time talking, texting, and hanging out with your girlfriend, she will need time away from you to recharge. Well prior to this I spoke to some good friends and they told me that she just needs to find like others said… end it. I told her I would change and not do those things. I know we didn't, but she convinced herself we did. She says she doesn't know why she feels that way and she is worried why she shut down She's stringing you along as a Plan B while she gives someone else a test drive, just in case it doesn't work out. She says she needs "time to work on herself" and "cant manage a relationship now". This step requires patience, self-control, and trust. If you fail to introduce distance and space into your relationships, not only will you kill attraction, but you will find yourself in a situation where your girlfriend continually pulls away from you and requires Jul 14, 2022 · So, don’t let it get to you when she says she’s not ready, since there could be any number of things affecting her readiness to take that step back into a relationship with you. See also: How To Know If A Girl Doesn’t Like You 👉 She’s not in love with you anymore (or not as much as she used to). She needs therapy, and she’s need to be alone during it. Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a girl will say that she wants to focus on herself, the signs to look for and the things to consider. I mean, at the end of the day, if she’s slept with half the city, you’ll find that out. Struggling with your partner's request for personal growth? Gain insights on navigating a relationship when your girlfriend needs space to focus on herself. She’ll take a step back, maybe even apply the no-contact rule, and see if you’ll do anything about it. It was so surprising and shocking because I know it definitely wasn't because of the mini arguments we were having. She is very indecisive and thats a red flag. Wow, this was very cathartic. She knows that if she did pursue a relationship with you right now, it would not be good for either of you in the long run. Its you not her. Maybe she’s bored and lazy to do anything, and that includes doing girlfriend duties. advice? EDIT: We have been emailing back and forth and are now broken up permanently. She also needs to explore more and evolve, challenge herself and grow. She also said, this is not a break to go **** other people, its more of a pause for a few days or weeks to firgure thing out on our own. Broke my heart because I loved her so much. Just discuss what you need with your partner and see if there’s a way to compromise so you both get what you want. Feb 20, 2023 · Let me say that again—for women, most often, arousal comes first, and desire comes after. She says she loves me, but needs a break to find herself and get back to that girl she used to be. Aug 24, 2022 · Here are a few different ways the girlfriend broke up with me to find herself scenario could play out: Not thinking it through. I can’t say what she feels since I don’t personally know her but based on my experience, I admit I allow my anger/emotions to control me on the spot. ” “I think we should have a break for a while. She says she loves me but that she doesn't know if I'm the one. Leave as fast as you can. The only thing different is that now we aren’t “together. Honestly if she's like most people she needs a lot more time to herself and she's not getting it. Mar 16, 2023 · She’s Expressed a Need for More Alone Time. Are you disregarding it? A direct expression of a need for time alone is a clear indicator that the relationship doesn’t have enough space right now. Relationships can be daunting sometimes. She says that she still loves me more than ever and really doesnt know why her feelings are this way about our relationship she said being unsure about Aug 11, 2022 · When a girl says she needs time to think, then she is usually trying to figure out if you are worth the commitment. It means she is focusing on her self, personal goals, being a better person, personal growth, and not worrying or thinking about another person— she’s putting herself first. Here are some things to do when you are trying to figure out how to respond when she says she needs space: 1. 8. •Understand why your ex-girlfriend needs space in the first place. she told me she needs some time for herself and that she doesn’t have the time or energy to focus on a relationship right now… she’s moving back in with her mom to help her out, who has terminal cancer and picked up a new job on Feb 20, 2024 · Even so, when your partner says, “I need space,” it still hurts. Instead of encouraging you to spend time with your loved ones, work on yourself, and dedicate time to your hobbies and interests, she wants you to serve her needs If your girlfriend says so, you might be in a difficult situation and will only think of the negative. She mentioned that she loves me but she just needs time to work on herself. ” Aug 9, 2021 · Get Atomic Attraction (Audiobook/Kindle/Paperback): https://www. The first and most important thing to do when she says she needs space is to listen to her. My girlfriend broke up with me because she feels stuck and she needs time to find herself; she needs to take care of herself. Make her work on herself without you in the picture at all. 16:08 If you’re going to try to make it work, here’s what you should do. One person in a couple might want more closeness and the other more space at any given time. You have to do a hundred things to make the other person feel loved. Sometimes when a woman has a lot going on, she might not have time for the little things. She needs your words of affirmation and your time simply to feel good about herself. 12) She’s just being lazy. We met in high… Mar 24, 2021 · The nights she don’t hang out she has her two kids she shares custody of with her ex husband, so she really never gets much time to herself. Sep 8, 2023 · 7. - Of course everyone is different haha but to me it sounds like she would say something if someone else came into the picture. I understand she is We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She wants to take a break from the current situation. She might be going through a really hard time in her life and she needs her space. Maybe she will come find you. You should start moving on the moment she says "break. Don’t waste too much time with the “No Contact” rule. but it’s not. what she needs to keep and get rid of. There may be some things that your girlfriend finds attractive about you at the moment, but if she feels like she “needs to talk,” it means that the things that are turning her off are outweighing the things that are keeping her in the relationship with you. Emotional detachment refers to a person’s tendency to remain emotionally checked out in their relationship by not expressing their emotions or even concealing their Yeah dude. 44:55 What NOT to do when you needs space If your girlfriend or wife suddenly tells you she needs time to think even though you’re already giving her time, beware. My girlfriend and I split up roughly 2 weeks ago. Communicate to her that there should be justice in the relationship. g She says she loves you, but she doesn't seem to want to spend time with you or talk about the future of your relationship. My issue is, her sister and mom are out of town so it’s just her and her dad at home. GIVE HER SPACE. We were supposed to get together tonight but she asked me if we could do that tomorrow instead because she thinks she needs a night to herself. There’s more to it when I asked. 4. Never look back. She texted me it as soon as I told her I got home from leaving her house this morning. Sign #2: Loss of affection or intimacy. Remember, your girlfriend wants space but not TLDR; my girlfriend says she needs to find herself after 4 years of mostly on but sometimes off dating My ex gf (21f) and I (22m) were dating for the past 4 years, we had a lot of fun and dating was amazing until the start of 2022. Give Her the Space She Needs. there is nothing to be anxious about here. She won’t kill herself. ” “It’s not you, it’s me. Your girlfriend says she needs to find herself. She needs time to herself or with friends to help cope with the current situation. If she has someone in her life that makes her happy then she will be blinded and misguided that that person is all she needs. Sep 7, 2014 · So my girlfriend said she needed "me" time meaning a day to herself. Jul 2, 2024 · In some cases, a girl tells you she needs more time but what she really means is that she misses her independence. Then, live your life. In addition to feeling heartbroken, you may be uncertain whether you should try to win her back. this is sadly the consequence of having a long term relationship while young. The “silent treatment,” or a profound distancing, can be a sign a woman is so angry that she can’t trust herself to communicate the anger. Dec 17, 2022 · 6 Reasons Why She says she needs Space. 42:21 Asking for space in a healthy and conscious way . She needs time to think through her priorities. Invite her to be fair: You can say it’s not fair that she’s the one that decides everything, is not convenient for anybody really because it puts your relationship in a irrational dynamic. Mar 6, 2022 · Believe it or not, you need to be able to act like you don’t care. It’s important not to assume the worst if she isn’t in contact with you for a few days. Aug 11, 2022 · 11) She needs more time alone. Dec 21, 2008 · Author Topic: Girlfriend needs time to find herself (Read 255658 times) Oct 14, 2023 · This article is optimized for the keyword "girlfriend says she needs space," so you can easily find it whenever you need a refresher on how to handle this tricky situation. I know it sounds cryptic, but we live in an increasingly complex and demanding world. She probably doesn’t want to be with you, but the absence of your attention makes her feel empty. However when she is out drinking she won't make out with anyone besides me at the end of the night. Another common reaction that guys have when faced with a girlfriend who said she wants to be alone is to ignore her and hope she’ll change her mind. If things change, come find me. She isn't trying to blow you off, but she does need to focus on other things. Aug 31, 2022 · #2. She won’t listen to me no matter how much I try and convince her that she can do it alongside me. Nov 13, 2019 · Hello All, Some contextmy ex gf and I were together for over 3 years. Block her number and from all social media. She said she loves me, but did say we aren’t together rn so idk. Then, by the time her ex realizes that, “I still love you, but I need space,” actually means, “I don’t feel enough respect, attraction and romantic love for you to want to stay in a relationship with you,” she will have already found herself a replacement man or got herself into a situation where her boyfriend can’t control her (e. Start dating other girls. She said that she didn’t want a break in our relationship because she didn’t want me to wait for her because at the end of it she might want something else but somehow i’m dealing with it as a break in the hopes that she’ll come back. She was bribing me some of my clothes and my class ring that I gave her. It’s easy to feel lonely when you’ve been single a long time, but nothing gets rid of that feeling and produces its opposite like being in a relationship. Jun 20, 2023 · The fact that she needs attention only proves that you aren’t that important to her currently. You are the safety net nice guy. She seems to be flip flopping. To let her ex down gently and give herself enough time to find a replacement guy, she might say something along the lines of, “Look, I still really care about you, but for now, I honestly believe that we both need to be apart to work on ourselves. tl;dr: Girlfriend wants to leave to find herself again and it's destroying me I've been dating my girlfriend for 6 years almost. She wants to be by herself and fond someone else and doesnt want to tell you and hurt your feelings. I believe everyone needs therapy, but she especially needs therapy in this point in her life. " Someone who loves and cares about you doesn't make excuses to get aw Mar 5, 2018 · My girlfriend wants a break, how long should I wait? If your girlfriend wants a break, you shouldn't wait for her at all. Jan 13, 2022 · Don’t say yes to everything she wants, give importance to what you want as well. We’ve been together 10 months and met in my country (US her UK) and have visited each other once each. Dec 8, 2016 · “Do you think she just needs time?” Yes. Listen to her. Aug 9, 2024 · 10) She’s just being herself. That's one of those puzzling things women say that men can't fully comprehend. Me (21M) and my girlfriend (23F) have been together for a year and now she wants to take a “break”. Maybe because she is not confident enough. But that waits on her. She is banging another guy (or girl). But if she’s a good girl, you’ll find that out, too. It's nothing against YOU. Emotional Detachment. She is sure that she will come back to me but she does not know when. You should focus on yourself. I've been going out with this girl for about 5 months now, knowing she has cancer and her life isn't like it used to be a year ago. She is floating the alone excuse. The ball is in her court. But also the “finding myself bullshit” is just a way to break up with you. Or maybe she abhors conflict. However, she can only want some alone time which will never impact your relationship. Come up with a few rules 13:15 What you’re supposed to know when she says she needs space . If you have the right woman, she will make time for you. Help! My girlfriend needs space I figured out why I am going through so much Hell with my girlfriend, Menopause? Feb 2, 2020 · At any age, when a child says, “I want to kill myself,” the child generally feels she cannot control the situation or the grown-ups, so she turns the anger against herself. I can talk from personal experience here. We were fighting more over things that did not seem to matter, but our love and respect for each My girlfriend said she needs time collect her thoughts and she needs some time and space after an argument and she has to figure out what’s going on in her life. I tried changing her mind about needing time to herself but she wouldn't budge so eventually I said okay. Finally I asked her if she loved me(the first time ever)and she said yeah and she asked me if I loved her I said yeah(for the first time ever). I like you, but since you want space, I am going to give it to you. Despite this we still loved each other and were best friends like we always were. Or the problem might be the fact that you don’t listen to her well enough, and that you don’t care about what she has to say. I told her that I understand perfectly and that she can take as much time as she wants. Let’s not talk to Jul 4, 2023 · Every time she’d open up to you about it, you’d act like you have no idea what she’s talking about. She has been straightforward with you and told you what is going on, so try to give her what she needs. To conclude: What to do when a girl says she needs time after a breakup? The most important thing to do is to respect her wishes. Oct 23, 2011 · Your Girlfriend Says She Needs to Find Herself! What This Means For You. Well during this interaction same thing she keeps telling me how much she loves me and is all over me kissing me and everything. If a girl says she needs to be alone for a bit and doesn’t want to talk about anything else, that could mean any number of things. Lately work has been hectic for her. ” “I want some space, but I don’t want to break up. You need to prove to her that you are a good person who is worth waiting for. She’s not going to kill herself. She said she needs 2 months which is crazy I feel. She will become more open to being with you or at least to meeting up with you to have a chat. Truly loyal and devoted partners don't need "time," "breaks," or "space. Feb 24, 2021 · "If they say something like, 'I need more alone time,' you will need to ask them to be a little more specific about how you can help them achieve that," Shlain says. Mar 16, 2022 · Here are the five most common reasons your girlfriend says she needs space: Reason #1: She wants to break up with you. I felt really understanding about it because she's in grad school right now and is busy writing a thesis (basically a book) in order to graduate. You thought that being together would be easy; after all, you've been through so much together—the good times and the bad—and you feel like nothing could change. Feb 12, 2014 · The 7th day she says she needs to be alone to find herself and she can only be my friend. If you read all the way to here then I commend you, thank you for taking the time. If she says she needs space and you don’t give it to her, she will walk out of the door. tl;dr GF told me she needs time alone to get her life in order (seemingly) out of nowhere. When a woman says that she needs to find herself, or to be herself again, it’s usually because she stopped feeling the way she wants to feel in the relationship. Things are about to change, but not necessarily in a bad way. ” And if she says, “I want you to move out,” you’re like, “I’m not moving out. Jan 17, 2023 · 2. She says she doesn't want to string me along anymore and that if she misses me she'll come back. Consider whether you’re okay with being alone in general. It was a shock. 6 things to do when she says she needs space. She’s told you what she needs. She can end the relationship for any reason she wants. That conversation never ends well. She may not want to be tempted to vent the anger by continuing communication. I don’t know how long it will take or for how long she needs time and space. If your girlfriend tells you that she needs some time or space to figure things out, you need to scramble if you have any hope of saving your relationship. Jun 5, 2016 · But she feels as if she has lost herself and needs to find her way back, it isnt like it used to be. but there’s nothing wrong with YOU. want to wait for her but not gonna wait forever. 3) I needed to focus on both our needs At the end of the day l try to kiss her but she stopped me and she told me that she is fresh out of a relationship and because of that she needs time to heal. Jul 1, 2022 · Pattern #2: She wants you to change your ways before you try again. Jul 9, 2021 · Nothing is more frustrating than a woman running hot and cold. Personally, I do and would encourage it. Be clear. Some girls like being the center of attention all the time and some don't. Ill see her twice a week when I go down and see her. And she She’s needs therapy. Aug 12, 2023 · All this is a hard pill for you to swallow. She may need to create a plan or decision on how to move forward. That she doesnt want you in her life. There’s nothing wrong with you you are more than enough just not what she wants. It’s like, “Go stay with your mom, go stay with one of your girlfriends. She works every day, as do I, and said between the weekend before and work and everything she just needs time to herself. She brings up the need to talk and that conversation leads to her asking for some time and space. This brings us to the topic of this article, she says she needs time, how long should I wait? Oct 17, 2022 · For example, if your girlfriend doesn’t respect you because she thinks that you don’t take care of her well enough, then the first thing you need to do is reassure her that she is wrong about this issue. Aug 9, 2024 · The good news is that if she still says she loves you, there’s still a way to turn things around. Perhaps your girlfriend isn’t “acting distant” at all, and is simply being herself. However she will not indicate any desire to work on your marriage because she is not planning to continue it. This bothers me because I haven’t seen her for weeks, and she basically says she needs time alone. When your girlfriend says she wants to take a break from your relationship, she might simply be trying to soften the blow of a full-on break-up. What you need to do is ask her what you can do differently to encourage her to be more authentic. Another sign your girlfriend may be ready to break up is if you notice decreased physical or emotional intimacy. You're confused because this isn't how it was supposed to go. For whatever reason, as long as there is proper communication on what she needs, why she needs it, and how the two of you will go about it, it is just about that time. You can take this as a sign that she may be trying to distance herself emotionally. Let her initiate. you are so Jan 9, 2024 · She might tell you that she needs to separate just to think, that she has no interest in ever having a relationship with another man again. I admit I have been bad. Hey, my girlfriend of a year just broke up with me last week because she says she needs to find herself and see what she really wants out of life. Aug 19, 2023 · Well, maybe she is feeling like you are smothering her or that you are being to "clingy". Been there on both sides. You need to sit down with your wife and come to a clear consensus about what she actually means by "finding herself" and then encourage her to do whatever it is she needs to do. if shes asking for some time to herself,i think you should give it to her She said we could get back together when she's ready and when she just has some time to find herself. So try giving her all the time she needs, don't call her let her call u, if she cares about u then she's going to call u, she's the one who wanted a break so let her have a break, but watch out she may call u even if she is wit sumone else ta see how your holding up, either way don't let her feel like she can't lose u. If you’re too desperate, then she’ll think that you’re a “loser”. And then she drops the bomb of not wanting a relationship anymore. Each of the different reasons why a girl will say that she wants to focus on herself will likely come with a number of clues in the way that she says it and in the body language that she shows. Generally, the longer your relationship has been going, the more confident you can be that she will come to you when she is ready. I have been with her for about 3 months now. Your like ok I understand. By truly giving her space she can figure out what she wants, and of course you would only want to continue to date her if the feelings are reciprocal anyways. In a way, she treats you as if she owns you. 34:42 Do the feelings of the other partner matter? 39:54 How to correctly ask for space. That was fixable but she started talking about how she never loved herself and needed time to truly know herself before she can give love to me and this relationship. I notice that after meeting up a couple times in the week she distances herself a bit and responds to texts more slowly. Girlfriend of 5 years says she needs time to find herself, what do I do? What to do when a girl says she can't be herself around me? What do I do when my girlfriend is depressed, confused, and needs her space. we ended it by hugging and kissing and saying we loved each other and hoped it would all feel better soon Feb 9, 2018 · Stop interrogating her about everything she says and does; Stop trying to impress her and make her pleased with you; Stop reacting to everything from a place of resentment and anger Aug 10, 2022 · If your girlfriend says she needs time, she’ll let you know how long you should wait before trying to contact her again. (Mostly in words Then Sunday she comes over but doesn't say why. Now that you understand the significance of giving your girlfriend space, it’s time to actually give her the space she needs. Jul 2, 2024 · 1) She needs a lot of space and time to herself Daisy has a lot of fun when we meet up, but she also needs a lot of time to herself . The best thing for right now is to wait it out until she texts/calls back. Brusque - I know. The old its not you its me. Jul 22, 2022 · She has also had 2 divorces in her past, which she brought up since you say don’t get into it with a girl’s past relationships. you will find someone else and move on. She wasn’t thinking it through and would have gotten just as much Jul 27, 2023 · 2. I don’t mean to say that she’s naturally neglectful or distant, but that she might be someone who needs to space out her social interactions. I truly do care about them. Our relationship was amazing during the first two or so years, but then I started noticing some difficulties and we were not being physical. If your girlfriend is falling into this category, it could just be stress from all the tasks she has going on in her life. This usually happens with girls who are everything but confident. Find guidance and support here. leave her to go do whatever she wants and go live your life. However, she told me that she wants to come back better for me and for her so I don't waste my time being sad about her. After a few days to cool off, I realize it was my emotions making decisions for me. Maybe she got offered a promotion at work or feels like something is missing and wants to give you a chance to fix it. It really just depends on the Jan 26, 2011 · Unfortunately, when a woman says she needs to find herself it means she's being kind in telling you that she's not happy or feeling fulfilled in her relationship with you anymore. Dec 11, 2018 · Women are capable of hitting real roadblocks when it comes to venting deep anger, according to author John Gray. You have to take care of yourself mental as well and focus on you. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She needs a minute to breathe, to not have anyone asking of her time and energy, and to take care of herself. Or she may say she needs to time to see if she misses you. The Initial Reaction: Dos and Don'ts Your immediate response when your girlfriend says she needs space can set the tone for everything that follows. In this article, we will delve into the possible reasons why your girlfriend broke up with you to focus on herself and explore potential solutions for navigating this challenging situation. She needs time to reflect and process her feelings. She has been contemplating on leaving for quiet some time. i know it’s hard because you know nothing else yet. she lives an hour away from me but we talk on the phone almost every night and text. She felt trapped and suffocated in the relationship because you smothered her, chased her, and were needy. So the story is, a few days ago my girlfriend of 3 years text me saying that she is unsure about our relationship and she needs time to have a break to herself and think why she feels like this. May 6, 2019 · That said, here’s what you need to do when she says she needs space. 9M subscribers in the relationship_advice community. Mar 13, 2004 · Some says seemed perfect, and others she was too depressed to do anything. I didn't say find a girlfriend, just go on A girl when confused and feeling lost, would want to get her own time to find herself again, to realize exactly what makes her happy. Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or… I'm sorry this is happening, but if all goes as it should, she'll come back, and she'll talk about what was wrong, why she needed time, she'll try to help heal with you. What do you do? When a girl says she needs space, the most impressive thing you can do for yourself and your girlfriend is to not call or text her. If you want her back, then it’s important that you don’t act like you’re desperate. Give her all the space she needs to get the romantic relationship back. So, she’s had enough and she now desperately needs some time away from you. Don't chase her, don't hang out with her, stop talking to her. By giving her the time that she wants it puts her on a pedestal, makes her whole, and she gets all her needs met WITHOUT being in a relationship with you. Four days ago, she lost her job and she decided to break up with me. pobos ghcb kjdgu bipa liz trriu cqr oufxfptw qgvup agrhc