Feb 9, 2023 · Especially with young toddlers, redirecting them to do a more appropriate behavior can help them forget about the urge to hit something. Ankle sprains or twists. And it’s also their responsibility to keep your daughter safe. This is more than a child biting out of excitement or frustration. You can sue a daycare for negligence when your child gets hurts because the If she is being bit by the same person, she is being targeted and should be protected. A bite creates action. Stay calm don’t overreact, yell or give a lengthy explanation. Toddlers (age 13 to 24 months) were bitten most frequently. If your child has been hurt at daycare, please contact (214) 777-7777 for a free consultation for your daycare lawsuit. So, take action How you treat your baby's bite or scratch depends on how bad it is. However, facilities must provide a written report if a child is hurt at daycare. Finally, guide the biter toward more appropriate behavior with gentle, loving discipline. Record all incidents. Some daycares offer vacation time. While most parents may assume their child will then get stitches, this isn't always the case. Care for them first, offering first aid, a band-aid, or whatever the person needs. The following eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care video gives a toddler teacher’s perspective on handling biting in child care: When your child is old enough to understand, teach them that biting hurts and can be dangerous to them and to the person they bite. Telling them firmly but calmly, “Do not bite, it hurts,” whenever they attempt to bite. In the In general, you can stop your child from biting by. Change the gauze every two hours to keep it moist. As a general rule, if the person your child bit is seriously injured or permanently marked or scarred for life. While this is usually negative attention, it can still reinforce the behavior and cause a child to repeat it. Also, talk to the daycare center about what your daughter did as well. For itchy bites, apply hydrocortisone cream, antihistamine cream, calamine lotion, or a paste made from baking soda and water several times a day. For example, your baby bites you and Jun 25, 2024 · Our knowledgeable Dallas daycare injury attorneys can help you handle the legal process and fight for the compensation your family deserves. What to Do if a Child is Injured at Daycare. A medical care provider can help diagnose all of your child’s injuries, including injuries that your child might not know to tell you. Outline the perceived or suspected violations as completely as possible. Wash gently with soap and water: As soon as you learn of the incident, clean the wound gently but thoroughly to prevent infection. Though a day care center is not the absolute insurer of a child’s safety, day cares do owe their charges a duty of reasonable care. While at home, a child has a parent’s undivided attention. If your baby just has a little scrape and there's no bleeding, carefully wash the area with warm tap water. When biting incidents happen, the childcare provider should separate the children immediately. Look into the child’s eyes and say calmly but firmly, “I do not like it when you bite people. The reality is that you cannot do anything at home to teach a toddler to not bite at day care. Use tweezers to grab the tick and pull straight away from the skin. A family member, playmate, or classmate at daycare or preschool may be the one bitten. Decrease overall stress: Make life more predictable and connective. If you see the documentary "Babies" you see the African baby bite his brother- it is natural. Biting a child sends the message that using violence is an acceptable behavior that can be used to solve problems. Cover your child's wound with an adhesive bandage if it's on a part of his body that's likely to get dirty. We just need to have an interruption and no, and then wait a little bit and then resume. Always keep food covered when you're outside. They will fall off over time. In addition, apply an antiseptic cream to the wound to prevent infection. Tempting as it is, your child should never hit back. It’s a way of getting to know their world. Mar 29, 2024 · But unlike the bumps and bruises that all kids get from time to time, a chipped tooth is an emergency. To help prevent this type of biting: Make sure your child feels protected and is not always being "picked on" by others. Instead, caregivers can try the following: Model appropriate behavior and language. Some cuts should be closed sooner, but it is very safe to wait at least 8 hours to have a cut closed. Jun 3, 2024 · Intervene immediately between the child who bit and the bitten child. If necessary, notify the owner of the dog attack. If your child is injured at daycare, what you do depends on the injury itself. Afghani. A child who hits himself may have been hit, for instance, and one who bites himself may have been bitten back as punishment for biting other children. Even if they have siblings, it’s a lot easier to take If a daycare injury does take place, it is important that a parent seek immediate medical care for their child. The director should not have promised it wouldn't happen again because it is a promise she can't make. Feb 21, 2023 · 3. If Apr 29, 2024 · Daycare can be a place where babies and toddlers sleep well and truly thrive. Dec 11, 2018 · 24 Reluctant To Go In. Even knowing that your child’s tantrum will Jan 22, 2019 · In this situation, you should seek your own legal advice. Jan 29, 2020 · Janet offers basic guidelines for responding mindfully when children get hurt, whether by accident or as the result of another child’s behavior. Accidents can happen, so having a spare set of clothes on hand is a must-have item for any daycare checklist. Calm the chaos: Adjust the sensory environment at the drop-off time. If you believe your child has been physically, sexually abused or neglected at their daycare center you should report it to the police or DHS. your child should not be bitten and 2. The most common injuries that occur at daycare facilities include: Falls. Use little words and a big tone. Scrapes, cuts, and skinned knees/elbows. The bite will again be irrigated in the medical setting. Locate the dog owner, if you aren’t already familiar with your neighbor. The Role of the Daycare Center. Children get over colds by themselves. The provider may perform an assessment looking for signs of physical abuse and any other potential injuries or illnesses, as well as provide informative steps for Jan 9, 2023 · Red Flags for COVID-19 in Children. Aug 15, 2019 · Encourage the child to make amends to the person bitten. The second step is to request an in-person meeting with the daycare director as soon as possible. S. What if your child was seriously injured Nov 5, 2021 · The facts of your case and the injuries your child sustained will determine whether or not the daycare facility was negligent by failing to exercise due care. Childcare providers can kick kids out, especially in private care settings. 3) Daycare teachers are part of your team. This is a “better safe than sorry” case and if a parent feels any unrest, obtaining a medical opinion can be the safest route to take. Let them know it’s okay to cry and feel sad if someone hurt them. Based on the symptoms you describe, they will tell you whether you should come in for a visit, or if your child’s symptoms necessitate a trip to the emergency room. The teachers are hopefully pros at this since Learning to manage angry children and teens is an ongoing process and an important skill to learn. Read on to learn our top 10 rules for dealing with an angry child. Mar 20, 2018 · Similarly, daycare centers and schools can’t reasonably protect every child from every incident. If there are signs your child was physically or sexually abused, the doctor is legally required to notify the authorities. ”. They can arrange for a child forensic interview with a trained professional to meet with your child to ask open-ended, non-leading questions about the daycare center. Generally, you pay tuition at a daycare for a month (or some other block of time) all at once, and it doesn’t matter if you use all of those days or not. saying, "No! Nov 21, 2022 · Clean the burn gently, using soap and water. But, of course, you don’t want your child bit at all. Nov 4, 2021 · One of the most important things your child can do is be assertive with the hitter, kicker, or yeller. Even little teeth can break the skin. If it does happen, be sure to deal with it right away. Every daycare provider has a legal obligation to provide children with reasonable care. Take pictures of your child’s injuries as soon as they happen and throughout the recovery period. The tantrums start to become aggressive — when a child hits, kicks, bites others or themselves and/or breaks things during the tantrum. While MRSA was once limited to hospitals and nursing homes, over the past 15 years it has spread all over the world―into the community in Five times in two months is absolutely not normal. Most of the time biters do it out of frustration, perhaps your daughter had done something she shouldn't have. Now that your child is in school and around others in close quarters, viruses are able to easily spread. Imitation. Wash your hands, then carefully wash the area with soap and water. Call poison control at 1-800-222-1222 so that you can get quick guidance on the best course of action. Ask the dog owner for their name, address, and phone number. Interrupt the biting or hitting by gently picking up your child or sitting down and gathering him into your lap. Reinforce a “no biting” rule at all times. Teach youngsters positive ways to interact and communicate with one another, and ways to reduce frustration. It is important to remember that children don’t bite intentionally Apr 4, 2018 · Identify biting triggers, and avoid or reduce these where possible. Jun 14, 2024 · Young children bite, pinch and pull hair to experiment and explore their environment. Sometimes the day care will make it seem like your parenting is the problem. Do not force a child who bit and the child who was hurt to play together. Instead, they must seek out an adult carer and report the incident immediately. This will not teach them not to bite. To help lessen pain, administer ice to the immediate area where your child has been stung. Sep 2, 2014 · It works. Don’t say, “no biting mommy” or “ouch that hurts. And although you can reduce the symptoms, you can't shorten the course of each cold. You’re still holding them. According to Parenting Healthy Babies, another indication that a child does not want to go to daycare is if they consistently seem reluctant to leave the house and go into the car before they are dropped off or when they are at the threshold of the daycare’s door. At 6-12 months, biting, pinching and hair-pulling also help babies work out cause and effect. Daycare Center and Family Home owners, Directors, Operators and Assistants should post and ask questions here. Repair any torn screens in your windows and doors at home. . Don’t Yell at or Challenge Your Child During an Angry Outburst. Administer ice. You should also take the child to a doctor or ER even if the injury doesn’t seem that serious. This is the situation where you should start thinking Feb 12, 2016 · Here are some top tips for dealing with biting. Separation anxiety in toddlers and babies is part of normal development, usually Mar 27, 2019 · To help prevent biting, early childhood educators consistently: Teach children which behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable. “Viruses work by chain reaction, so Feb 25, 2021 · If your child swallowed hand sanitizer, don’t try to induce vomiting, the experts said. Keep your cool. Parents of children who were injured while at daycare should speak to a Children in day care centres often bite, but most bites are harmless and don’t break the skin. Biting Policy: Each daycare center should have a biting policy in place to handle such situations appropriately and prevent them from recurring. Address separation anxiety: Separation anxiety can trigger biting; for example, a child might bite when feeling overwhelmed by parents’ departure after being dropped off at daycare. Yes, stuff happens and kids get bumped and bruised, but I think you’re perfectly entitled to escalate your concerns to them the next time you get an incident report: “Okay, I understand this is normal behavior for this age Mar 7, 2019 · Either you, or the teacher if the incident happens at preschool, should first examine any cuts, bruises or bites and offer basic first aid or other medical treatment if needed. Surveys have shown that up to half of all children in day care centres were bitten during a one-year period. Provide cooling-off time when needed. For a child with more limited language Nov 30, 2023 · Here are 10 tactics to stop toddler biting. Note to Readers: Kids biting and hitting at school or the playground cause a stressful parenting issue that many of us would rather not have to address. Maybe a nanny or a smaller daycare would be best for you and your child. Talk to your child’s teacher or caregiver about their biting policy. This means that day care centers should take reasonable precautions to safeguard the children in their care. If another child bites your child at daycare, it’s essential to know the proper treatment for human bites. Instruct your child to firmly say “No Hitting” and walk away from the offending child. It's understandable to despair when your child sinks his teeth into your — or even worse, another person's — flesh, and the "bite him back" argument may seem like a logical way to stop his biting. ) Keep your child’s nails short to prevent scratching. Jul 10, 2024 · Children learn quickly that biting another child is guaranteed to get a reaction. Provide clear and consistent boundaries and consequences. Because of a few high-profile cases, many parents fear their children will be sexually abused by a day care provider; yet studies show Jul 17, 2023 · Put simply, separation anxiety is when kids feel anxious or scared when they are separated from a caregiver. [10] Parents should have a zero-tolerance rule for biting — at home, daycare, and elsewhere. Take Pictures and Video. Your child is no sicker than the average child of their age. Kids Biting and Hitting and Scratching, “Oh, My!”. To learn more about daycare liability, reach out to an experienced Chicago personal injury lawyer. A child with hepatitis B who bites another child and breaks the skin may expose the bitten child to hepatitis B infection. In fact, separation anxiety is a typical part of child development and are a sign of healthy attachment. It’s important to remain calm, yet firm. For a nip that’s just a small scratch or scrape, clean the skin with soap and water, then rinse well for at least five minutes. Press with a clean cloth to stop bleeding: If the bite causes bleeding, apply gentle pressure with a clean Jan 16, 2023 · 1. Next, convey to him as best you can that you won't let him hit and bite himself because you love him and it's your job to take care of him. If you suspect that your child has been abused while at daycare, it is essential to take immediate action. In many cases, just having mom, dad or caregiver there to listen Jul 31, 2023 · First, look at your child's general health. For example, with 1- to 2-year-olds, you can hold the hand Mar 30, 2023 · A well-stocked bag full of wipes (send a labeled pack of wipes. ) can make all the difference in having a stress-free day. It is important to understand why a child might hit, bite, or scratch and guide Never put your child in a day care facility or home that does not have an open-door policy for parents. Control the bleeding. Do not pretend to bite your child or let your child bite you in play. May 21, 2024 · Yes, you can sue a daycare for negligence. Listen to your child and stay calm. Depth. When that duty is breached and a child is injured as a result, daycare providers may be held liable for the injuries caused by their negligence, even if a release form was signed. You can apply a cold compress to relieve the pain. Be consistent in following settings behaviour management policy. Be sure to tell the doctor the child was injured at daycare. Apr 22, 2024 · If necessary, remove the child from the conflict zone, but do it in a way that doesn’t create additional distress. 2. Children may bite for many reasons, including teething, frustration, or as a way to communicate. If the daycare was negligent and/or the injury was severe, it needs to be reported. This number is as high as 13% for kids who are at a daycare center. Make sure the person that your child bit is OK. Jul 2, 2024 · When addressing toddler hitting, it is essential to remain calm and neutral. If the bite is bleeding and the wound appears to be deep, call your child Feb 20, 2024 · Johns breaks down the four criteria that the doctors will use to assess your child's bite: Size. Biting can be painful and frightening when it happens. Biting is fairly common in young children, and it's often worrisome to adults. Even if most of your words sail over his head, he'll get your point — and have the proof of Jan 3, 2021 · In fact, almost 10% of all children who stay at home will suffer some sort of injury during their childhood. The next time your child bites, try these steps: Step 1: Be calm and firm. Biting is normal only in that children do tend to go through a phase. Teeth (and "claws") are natural weapons for all young mammals, so your child's Apr 20, 2022 · Teach your child not to swat at bees and wasps, but rather walk away instead (bees and wasps are not very fast). The consistency of the mixture should resemble a thick paste. Reacting with anger or frustration may escalate the situation and reinforce the behavior. Babies put things into their mouths to explore and learn through taste and touch. C. 1. Seeking medical care should be your first priority. Feb 1, 2008 · A. Bruises or bumps. And in a very self-centered individual (all toddlers are), if there is a way to satisfy a need, the behavior is likely to continue. Address your child with a firm "no biting!" or "biting hurts!" Keep it simple and easy for a toddler to understand. Tantrums continue frequently past the peak age (2-3 years old). Seek Medical Care. Do not bite your child back if they bite. These are perfectly normal behaviors for a child to display. Wet some gauze pads and tape them over the cut. Mar 13, 2020 · Here’s are some options to try: 1. , I know that some daycares will actually have the biter leave the daycare permanently. , we can help hold the liable party responsible for your Nov 9, 2023 · If your child experiences a dog bite, here’s how to treat it at home: [2] Wash the area well. With quality wipes, taking care of your baby will be a breeze! 3. If the bite or scratch is on your child's hands, or somewhere else when it could get dirty, cover it with a band aid. Avoid getting angry, yelling, or shaming a child. Jan 10, 2023 · Tantrums happen nearly every day. In a firm, serious (but not threatening) voice, say, “No biting!" Then redirect them to something Sep 29, 2018 · With this in mind, a day care may be liable for a bite injury sustained by a child in its care. Sometimes, the youngest child in the family uses biting for attention seeking or act in self-defense. Methicillin-resistant Staph aureus (MRSA) is a staph bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics and is one of the leading causes of skin infections in the U. Vaccination status of the dog. After a child is hurt within a childcare facility, or even while in bus transit to or from the facility, the director does not always contact the parents and provide forthcoming detail of what occurred. Oct 8, 2015 · This might mean that the day care needs a specialized or extra caregiver for the “problem” room. Avoid giving too much attention to a child who bites after an incident. Say “No biting,” put them down and then pick them up. Asking them to express their feelings by using phrases, such as “Give me my toy” or “I am angry,” instead of biting. Apr 20, 2022 · Use a cold pack to relieve any swelling or itching. Three times over the course of a few weeks doesn’t strike me as a problem. Here are some tips for reporting daycare abuse: Call your state’s abuse hotline if the situation is urgent; otherwise, you may also use your state’s abuse hotline website, which could take up to 48 hours for an online report to be processed depending on the volume of reports. g. In such environment, kids feel loved, accepted for who they are, respected, appreciated, heard, and safe. Staff Training: The staff should be Contact us at (312) 236-2900 to schedule a free case evaluation to learn more about daycare liability and your options after your child gets hurt. And that doesn’t sound like no. Nevertheless, it's wrongheaded. Change of Clothes. Aug 4, 2015 · Once the stinger is removed, wash the wound. Negligence is a failure of reasonable care. Most bites happened in September at the beginning of the day care year. Meet With The Daycare Director. Gently pat the skin dry. To diminish itchiness and help the wound heal faster, apply a mixture of baking soda and water to the sting. Baking soda and water. Of course, a child’s supervision (or lack thereof) also contributes to the severity and frequency of injuries. Because even if it’s a baby tooth, tooth trauma can have lasting effects. Mar 3, 2021 · Avoid getting angry, yelling, or shaming a child. If the blister does accidentally break, clean the area with water and call the doctor, who may recommend using an antibiotic ointment on the skin. This article is aimed at the vast majority of biting incidents that happen at schools across the country on a daily basis. Consider using netting around your child's crib or bed if bees or wasps are finding their way indoors. If your child is vigorous and gaining weight, you don't have to worry about their health. If she is one of many people the child is biting, then the staff are being negligent. The daycare that my 8 month old son used to go to had a policy about biting and after so many "offenses" the parents of the biting child were asked to find another care facility. Teacher Video on Biting. Communicate openly with parents in a professional manner. Aug 8, 2023 · We have a podcast on this topic! 23 tips to help your child feel peaceful and confident at drop-off. Also, at that point, you may need/want to change daycares because 1. Teachers in the baby and toddler rooms choose to surround themselves with little children and are so gifted in loving little ones well. My 2-year-old’s daycare, for example, allows around one week of Aug 30, 2023 · Whatever you do at home has zero connection with what occurred during the hours at school; the time lag is way too long for a child of daycare age. It upsets other children and often angers teachers and other adults. (Don't use calamine or baking soda paste if the bite is close to your child's eye or genitals. The more detail you can provide, the more complete the report will be. Try to stay calm. Also, a child who bites another child who has hepatitis B may be exposed to the virus if blood from the bitten child enters the biter’s mouth. At Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P. Dec 23, 2010 · If you child is bitten again and the grandson remains in the same daycare, you need to contact the licensing board and see what can be done. All you need to do is clean the area well with soap and water. 13. If there’s blood, apply gentle pressure to the area until it stops. Our team of child abuse attorneys has years of skills and experience to get you the Mar 24, 2021 · Retain all copies of medical bills related to injuries your child sustained at the daycare center, as seeking compensation will require documentation of injury-related expenses. Dec 13, 2022 · How to Stop Them From Biting. Tell the medical provider where and when the dog bit your child. Either way, they are understaffed for this situation because it shouldn't be hard to keep one child under control in a 4-1 environment. Use your voice and expression to show that biting is not acceptable. Via: Instagram/@Mirieli23. Notify the Dog Owner. The precise terms of your contract will dictate what, if any, legal remedies you may have if that happens. You should consult your parent handbook, as sometimes providers lay out specific policies about biting. Nov 4, 2021 · Step Three: Pursue Immediate Medical Care for Your Child. Care for the bitten child should include soothing the child, cleaning the Mar 29, 2023 · In most cases, you will still have to pay for daycare even if your child is sick. D. Harsh punishments usually escalate the unwanted behaviors. To lower the chance that a tick will spread bacteria, remove it as soon as you see it. Comfort the bitten child and administer first aid if needed. Then, take action with the following steps. Twice a day, rewash and reapply the ointment. Bear in mind that abuse or neglect situations are rarely isolated. To prevent your child from becoming a victim of biting at daycare, there are a few things you can do. She also addresses the specifics in a parent’s note about her son’s emotional responses to getting pushed or hit when she isn’t close enough to prevent it. If your child suffered shaken baby This is especially true if it was attached for a short time (less than 24 hours). Identify biting triggers, and avoid or reduce these where possible. Sadly, sometimes it’s going to be another toddler biting, hitting, etc. In most cases, the bite will not break the skin. Resolve conflicts between children before biting happens. Biting is usually caused by 1 of 4 different factors Mar 11, 2009 · I'm not saying sue the biter by any means, just that you can talk to the daycare center and make sure appropriate action is being taken. Don't jump to any conclusions, of course, but do keep this in mind as you talk to your child's caregivers and relatives about his behavior. If the provider was negligent and failed to provide proper care, the daycare can be held responsible. You want to make it abundantly clear that biting is unacceptable, but at the same time, don’t lose Mar 3, 2022 · 2. a 2 year old is not a “problem child” for showing developmentally appropriate behavior. Mar 21, 2019 · Learn more. When a toddler bites, the other kid drops the toy they wanted to play with; the other kid leaves them alone; they get adult attention they desire. You should not have to call first, and no areas that children have access to should be off limits to you. Otherwise leave it exposed to the air to help it heal. Use an ABC chart if incidents continue. Calling a lawyer is also a possibility. Emotional safety at the daycare: Because children often express frustration and crying when starting daycare, it is especially important for caregivers to expect the daycare to provide an environment of emotional comfort and protection. Never bite a child back to punish or show him how it feels to be bitten. This makes the wound more vulnerable to infection. If you are on the scene when your child bites, your reaction needs to be quick and levelheaded. If your child did not require medical attention and the school or daycare center was not negligent (meaning they didn’t do something to allow the bite to happen), then I’d advise against legal action. If a child has seen other kids bite someone, they may decide to try it as well. Respond right away. Put your child down. When you make an official report, try to provide as much detail as possible. If the wound is bleeding, apply pressure with a clean cloth until the bleeding stops. Apply an antibiotic ointment. Sep 14, 2023 · The first step is to clean the wound with soap and water. Nov 29, 2010 · Biting is a nautral instinct for humans and babies do it often, some do it for kisses, teething, defense, or just because. You should contact your child’s doctor anytime your child has COVID-19 symptoms that concern you, says Dr. Oct 5, 2022 · During the pandemic, your child may have not had as much exposure to others, and as a result, their germs, which plays part of the role as to why your child may be sick more often when starting school. Bites from other children. If you do decide to wait: Wash your child's cut under the faucet to get out any dirt. But before you contemplate lawsuits, let's look at why children are dismissed from daycare typically and some things you can do to avoid this happening Written by Penelope Leach, Ph. Have policy accessible for parents to read. Open Communication: The daycare should have clear communication about the biting incidents, informing you promptly when they happen. It sounds like your daycare is aware of the problem and taking steps to mitigate it. She says he seems “shocked” but Only a bite that breaks the skin can pass hepatitis B. Daycare providers have a legal responsibility to protect children under their care from harm. Any time you suspect abuse or see that your child has suffered serious injuries, immediately pursue medical care. Speak to the biter in a clear, firm manner, e. Don't break or rub any blisters that may have formed. 1 mom found this helpful. If the mouth parts do not come out, that is okay. If the wound is deep or the bleeding does not stop, seek medical attention immediately. Your child is going to get hurt. Ensuring that they have enough sleep as well as food. Three tips if your child is the biter: Do not feel guilty. It doesn’t sound like there’s a problem. Nov 17, 2017 · Parents can experience guilt, anxiety, frustration or sadness because their child cries during goodbye and drop-off at child care. Negligence, recklessness, and intentional harm are all grounds for a lawsuit against a daycare. The example of the baby portrayed a severe case of an injury that did not display any immediate Which at daycare, is the teachers’ responsibility. , both in children and in adults. It is very difficult on everyone involved. Biting is a common problem among toddlers at daycare. Powerless biting occurs when a child is in need of feeling strong and in control of a situation. Many times parents deal with angry outbursts by challenging their kids and yelling back. Be confident and connected: Let go of guilt and anxiety at separations. your provider is not going to be happy. I think the real issue lies within you. Nov 29, 2022 · The first thing to do for any biting injury is to wash the area with soap and water. Supervise and support children. You can find a list of the different states’ abuse hotlines and Sep 11, 2017 · You receive a call from the day care center: your child was bitten by a friend! Although bites in young children are generally without consequences, appropriate wound care is important. Temper tantrums happen in a variety of settings both in and out of the home. Do not let the cut dry out. If biting does occur, an educator will: Separate the children. Aug 28, 2016 · 3. There may be other children at the daycare facility who are also at risk. Location. The fact that your child has had at least 5 bites you know of, is absolutely not normal, and is lazy supervision. Otherwise, it's fine to leave such a superficial wound exposed to the air. Let the office know what types of violations you suspect, and why you suspect them. This figure makes sense when you think about it. gq sm sn tk sf pu xe vw cf nd