Qt button stylesheet. height() * pixmapRatio); auto offset = (newWidth - winSize.

Set the following properties:-. A cheating way is to set the icon property by the object name written in the Qt source code. Topics: Overview; The Style Sheet Syntax; Qt Designer Integration; Customizing Qt Widgets Using Style Sheets; Qt Style Sheets Reference; Qt Style Sheets Examples Introduction. answered May 24, 2016 at 12:25. Viktor Kerkez. 5); to get both the icons and toolbar background to 50% but that didn't seem to work. Aug 18, 2013 · wrote on 27 Oct 2013, 08:05. I feel like I'm circling the drain. The content is what is left from the original widget or subcontrol once we have removed the margin, the border, and the padding. The QFriendFeed example application at Forum Nokia is using Qt style sheets heavily to customize the UI. QtCore as qtc. May 24, 2016 · Use the following code in stylesheet: qproperty-iconSize: 24px; edited May 31, 2018 at 7:55. Feb 24, 2012 · How to set the button's icon using style sheet? The images I used are : PS Take a note that I asked similar question here , but the answer doesn't work once the text is set (the icon is all squished, and the text is not below the icon). See the list of stylable widgets, their properties, pseudo-states, and subcontrols with examples. Apr 26, 2016 · (Note - the color update works on disabled items too - that is not really complicated though - whatever style sheet I apply on setting widget disabled can be applied in the colorUpdate function). Aug 27, 2020 · arg (radius)); t . width()) / -2; To indicate to the user that the field is mandatory, one effective (albeit esthetically dubious) solution is to use yellow as the background color for those fields. Jun 16, 2011 · Suppose I have a mainwindow with a toolbar called mainToolBar. background-color:red; border-width:1px; pushButton_30:hover { color: white }; After pressing Apply, I have gone to check Form -> Preview. But I solved the problem by making a QIcon for every button, so I'm able to tell the button to use the next QIcon in the QIcon array :) Best regards Ritschratsch Apr 10, 2014 · If your image is 1000x1000 and you scale it to 10x10 and then back to say 500x500 it will be ugly blurred. QAbstractButton provides support for both push buttons and checkable (toggle) buttons. Another button can make the background colors blue. Apr 28, 2016 · 4. The palette has only 9 colors. We also provide a command line (script) to get info that could be used when opening issues. import PyQt5. State. To make this work one has to make the button checkable in property. style(). 1,250 2 21 38. Personnalisation d'un QPushButton par l'utilisation du modèle de boîtes. Jan 1, 2019 · You have to use the setStyleSheet method but you have to keep the reference of the button pressed, and that can be done using the sender method that returns the object that emitted the signal. I'm trying to set an icon's size on a QPushButton through Stylesheets. Apr 28, 2016 · //The colors of the stylesheet are used for the normal button text, //but not for my additional text. When conflicts arise, the widget's own style sheet is always Sep 2, 2011 · Appreciate jecjackal for it! As it is said in the Qt's stylesheets reference, applying CSS styles to custom widgets inherited from QWidget requires reimplementing paintEvent () in that way: void CustomWidget::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *) { QStyleOption opt; opt. For example, you can specify arbitrary images for radio buttons and check May 27, 2021 · That stylesheet styles the Checked state and not pressed so for it to work - the button must have Checkable set to true. Apr 14, 2020 · Qt使用StyleSheet美化QPushButton是一篇介绍如何用样式表来改变按钮外观的教程文章,作者详细讲解了伪状态、属性、子控件选择器等概念,并给出了多种实例代码和效果图。如果你想学习Qt的界面设计,这篇文章值得一读。 Actually i have Accessing all buttons in the same slot ,by using list. Fortunately, Qt provides a way to implement just a proxy, which uses another style in the general case. There is a page titled " How to change the background color of QWidget " but it just talks about those two methods. You can use "palette (button)" etc. When using stylesheets, styles are The border is drawn between the margin and the padding. My Problem is: I'm unable to set a style to a push button when it is pressed. Typical buttons include Ok, Apply, Cancel, Close, Yes then Qt throws up its hands and draws an afwul-looking blocky button. public: void drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const. background-color: red; border-style: outset; border-width: 2px; border-color: beige; } This is working but when I change the background-color of QWidget as well, the button has the same background-color as the QWidget (in this example the button is black This is applicable when using Qt Designer as well. This also allows you to use CSS related tutorials and resources to supplement your learning. Only answering to your topic title, if you look into the source code of QMessageBox, every label has a object name, so that should be easy to set different style to them by using ID selector. If you specify the name of the widget to the style sheet, it will change the style of a particular push button widget with the name you provide. --Alles ist gut. @Pl45m4 said in remove applied stylesheet in Qt: setStyleSheet doesn't append. Q_UNUSED(event) } Now you can create a CPushButton instance and set the spacingRatio to 0. selector. border: 1px solid blue; background: red; } @. For the particular push button, I have 2 images: One shown by JonB. 3- Make the font bigger/smaller. First, we would use the following application-wide style sheet: *[mandatoryField="true"] { background-color: yellow } Apr 4, 2021 · I want to style each custom button of my QMessageBox in one stylesheet file without using setStyleSheet() for each button. You can also make your own style by inheriting QStyle and latter feed that style to your application. The effect is the same with any other stylesheet I tried on QPushButton. #11. setBrush (button->backgroundRole (), QBrush (pixmap)); button->setFlat (true); button->setAutoFillBackground (true); button->setPalette (palette); So I took that code and changed Jan 21, 2016 · By now the stylesheet is appr. Have you taken a look at the Qt Stylesheet guide? They have a really specific example of how to position your up and down arrows: here is the link. Subclasses of this class handle user actions, and specify how the button is drawn. setObjectName("ToggleButton") and stylesheet like this: #ToggleButton:pressed { background-color: #8af; } Further reading. my QMessageBox style sheet: Nous allons maintenant étudier quelques exemples permettant de débuter dans l'utilisation des feuilles de style de Qt (Qt Style Sheets). Qt devs rarely read this forum so it's not the best place for feature request. Style sheets are applied on top of the current widget style Style sheets provide the definitions for describing the presentation of the widgets – what the colors are for each element in the widget group, how thick the border should be, and so on and so forth. background-color:#ff0000; } Actually, both disabled and !enabled works. Lastly, another button can round the corners. Calculating dimensions might be a little harder, but is a lot faster than copying bitmaps around. QtWidgets import QApplication. In a way I'm trying to achieve the opposite. This is my code, based on this suggestion. You will be pleased to know that syntax and style options are the same. , the Windows Vista theme engine doesn’t let us specify the background color of a button). It's better to use the normal CSS property: icon-size: 24px;. if I use the setStyleSheet method in order to change the style for a specific widget, the other ones placed inside it, changes their style, but I don't want it! I can bring you two example: when I change the border/background color for a frame (see the widgets placed inside it): import PyQt5. Attempt #1: Set the Palette in the constructor: ui->buttonCoulor->setPalette(QPalette(Qt::black)); Result: ordinary button before click, thin coloured contour after selection. . Jan 13, 2022 · An important aspect to consider when dealing with QSS (Qt Style Sheets) is that when setting any property on complex widgets, all other basic properties must be set. Abhishek Agarwal. BreezeStyleSheets is a set of beautiful light and dark stylesheets that render consistently across platforms, including high DPI screens. There is a workaround here . png) 4; border-width: 3; } QSpinBox::up-button { subcontrol-origin: border; subcontrol-position Apr 22, 2021 · 3. For the focus rectangle you'd implement: class Style_tweaks : public QProxyStyle. If you want yellow backgrounds for mandatory fields, red text for potentially destructive push buttons, or fancy check boxes, style sheets are the answer. And yes, when you style a button, it will NOT draw as normally for the rest. background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; I have an :hover with qproperty-icon in a QToolButton but it doesn't change the icon. #4. //Without the next 4 lines, no stylesheet colors are used. you can use any of these pseudo states :checked :disabled :enabled :focus :hover :indeterminate :pressed :unchecked. QPushButton { background-color: rgb(51, 153, 204); } QPushButton:pressed { background-color: rgb(224, 0, 0); } But it wont make you happy as docs says May 12, 2015 · When my mouse move over a button then its background should turn to white. setStyleSheet (styleSheet); I'd have preferred to use QToolBar::setWindowOpacity (0. The second part of the stylesheet will change the Apr 6, 2022 · Learn how to design QPushButton. (its a property) So i think you might want the pressed state instead. Some of you may already be familiar with CSS, and how it can be used in Web and Browser Applications. Apr 8, 2015 · Is there a way to assign CSS style for the QTabBar close button? Normally QTabBar can be styled, but I can't find its how button can be referenced from CSS. wrote on 29 May 2014, 04:44. setStyleSheet("QGroupBox { background-color: rgb(0,255,0,20%); border:1px solid rgb(255, 170, 255); }") I need to have it set to defaults when this particular QGroupBox is disabled or deactivated. setStyleSheet("QPushButton:checked { background-color: red; }") This will set the background color to red when the QPushButton is checked. I can create a QWidget with two QPushButtons on it using Qt Designer and select each button by name using the selector QPushButton#button_name in a css style sheet assigned to the QWidget giving both buttons different background colors. It turns out this is very easy to implement using Qt Style Sheets. Without an explicit size, it occupies half the height of its reference rectangle. When conflicts arise, the widget's own style sheet is always Nov 22, 2021 · As you can see, there is no rect box around of v check mark. For a fully customized and unique user experience, QtQuick and QGraphicsView are a better choice. Jul 13, 2014 · When I apply some background-color on the QPushButton's checked state, the button will be filled with grey dots (over the background color I wanted) when it is checked. Icon padding is too big, and the white bakcgournd gray A widget is considered as a hierarchy (tree) of subcontrols drawn on top of each other. 6 and later, a restructure stylesheet is provided. You can inherit QAbstractButton and check May 13, 2014 · wrote on 13 May 2014, 08:02. May 29, 2014 · I. //With these 4 lines, only some colors of the stylesheet are used. Feb 22, 2012 · 4. height() * pixmapRatio); auto offset = (newWidth - winSize. ), as well as any style sheet set on the QApplication. objectName()) The result, again, depends on your operating system: windowsvista. Jan 7, 2016 · I created QPushButton in Qt Designer with this stylesheet: background-color: #ffffff; background-color: yellow; background-color: orange; background-color: black; background-color: green; background-color: red; background-color: pink; It Works, but when i check "flat" in the properties, then it doesn't work anymore, I would like to ask you why? May 15, 2011 · Style sheets let you perform all kinds of customizations that are difficult or impossible to perform using QPalette alone. Button Pressed+Focused: White text on blue background, border around it. giuspen. Nov 24, 2022 · The push button, or command button, is perhaps the most commonly used widget in any graphical user interface (GUI). That behavior is most likely achievable true QSS - therefor how to set the style sheet most efficiently. 1,375 3 20 34. IamSumit. A button is a rectangular widget that typically displays a text describing its aim. argv) print (app. 500 lines. In addition, Qt Designer provides style sheet integration, making it easy to view the effects of a style sheet in different widget styles. style(): import sys. for a normal QButton you can do it like you write above: QPushButton{ color: blue} if you can, then extend with inheritance the button and do: MyNewButtonClass{color: red} or you can directly with the name of the object directly: QPushButton#okButton { color: gray } If you want a simple image behaving like a button, you can write your own QAbstractButton-subclass, something like: class ImageButton : public QAbstractButton { Q_OBJECT public: Feb 29, 2016 · 3. A QComboBox is thus rendered as follows: Render the QComboBox { } rule. get rid of the pale blue square over the buttons in the On state. Push (click) a button to command the computer to perform some action, or to answer a question. Style sheets can be set on the QApplication, on parent widgets, and on child widgets. Well the title it's self explanatory. 2)frameShadow - Raised. 2k 13 107 86. The thing is that default OS style for buttons don't support colored backgrounds so the control falls back to the basic windows theme (assuming you're on Windows). You can make use of Event Filters . However, the result is a boring, flat button with no borders: What happened is this: We have made a request that cannot be satisfied using the native styles alone (e. So if the user keeps fetching the current stylesheet, appending a new rule and setting it back per. May be bug ? QTBUG-2982. Because stylesheets are supposed to be 'cascading' over predefined styles, my expectations was also that the QPalette instance would always be updated whenever the state of the button asks for Mar 6, 2023 · To find out which default style is applied to an existing application, you can access the objectName() via app. You can always make it here: "https://bugreports. My personal preference of styling when the widget must be changed by code is setting the constant values in Qt Designer to the parent with the corresponding widget type tags and object name tags. Use stylesheets: QPushButton:focus:pressed{ background-color: some_colour; } QPushButton:focus{ background-color: some_other_colour; } You can either use Qt Creator to add the styles to your button, or load them inside your code by calling setStyleSheet("") on your button. Button Idle+Focused: White text on grey background, border around it. jpg"); QPalette palette; QPushButton *button= new QPushButton (this); palette. setStyleSheet ("border:none;"), the press down gray background will disappear. QRadioButton is a QAbstractButton. Change rectangular Qt button to round. The margin, border-width, and padding properties all default to zero. To style the "checked" state of a button you need to use. I am trying to achieve those results for buttons that are not created with the designer. You must define full style for it. See the image below: The stylesheet pressed state has no effect on the button, does anyone see what I am doing wrong? Thank you for your time, have a good day! Sep 21, 2012 · 2. Apr 20, 2010 · 8. Right click button -> Change Style Sheet -> Added below code. So, I try to add to my . Sep 20, 2021 · I want to change all the button instances stylesheets of a widget, much like this question I found (Change Qt Stylesheet for all Instances of a Widget), however, I want to have a theme button so there is multiple stylesheets that I want to use in this manor. #2. org": https://bugreports. Simply add a stylesheet to the qbushbutton itself or to his parent qwidget: qwidget. qss: QCheckBox::indicator:checked {. First, we would use the following application-wide style sheet: *[mandatoryField="true"] { background-color: yellow } Aug 15, 2013 · Just call the styleSheet() method. com/sonds1/QPushButton Jan 16, 2018 · You should be able to get a round button by using a stylesheet. app = QApplication(sys. Qt Docs link doesn't work anymore and first one doesn't seems to provide a useful answer. Qt Docs for a more thorough explanation. In PyQt's designer tool, when you create a QPushButton, at first, it will look like this: If you right-click on it, pick 'Change stylesheet' and change the button background color to orange, for example, you'll get this: If you notice, the button's shape changed slightly, it's edges became more sharp and even the 'click' makes it look more May 15, 2011 · The up button and arrow can be styled using the ::up-button and ::up-arrow subcontrols. , OK OK) 2- Set a red or blue color for it. Configurable Breeze and BreezeDark-like stylesheets for Qt Applications. Add a QPushButton in Qt Desgner and set its width and height to 40. Jun 4, 2019 · And when you have everything setup, you can easily declare stylesheet for your newly introduced button: #pushButton { qproperty-borderColor: #123456; } Maybe it is not the way you have intented to achieve your goal initially, but it looks like that declaring custom stylesheet properties and using promotion of widgets would help you achieve your Sep 26, 2022 · Hi. PyQt docs - not that expressive :). It works correctly (for me) without needing to set anything for AccessibleName. Therefore, the button is rendered using style sheets. g. From lighter tweaks to the quite complex, stylesheets can do the job. icon: "qt_msgboxex_icon_label". When we click a button, we command the computer to perform actions or to answer a question. answered Aug 6, 2014 at 6:41. You should also be able to put the stylesheet itself in a resource file. I am unable to locate the proper syntax that would allow me to modify the icon's size when I implement the icon image from the stylesheet. Oct 13, 2021 · 1. This produces: What I'd like is to: reduce the size of the border zone around the buttons. An arbitrary widget's effective style sheet is obtained by merging the style sheets set on the widget's ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc. background: transparent; background-color: transparent; color: white; border: 1px solid #5A5A5A; } But this removes v, so checked state shows with box area, but without v -marker, as if the state is unchecked: With Yasin’s example it should be very easy to make your own stylesheets. here i am able to disable the clicked button. Then right-click the button, select "Change stylesheet", and paste in the following stylesheet: All images and icons were revised, also creating SVG files for all of them. 46. replied to Pl45m4 21 days ago. Don't use the pixmap, use it from the QSS directly as specified here: Qt Style Sheets Examples — QPushButton and images. Which means set a color for the pressed state if you still want that. For example: myPushButton->setStyleSheet("color : blue"); The preceding code will turn the text of a button with the variable name myPushButton to a blue color. Visually, it does increase the spacing between text and icon. The push button, or command button, is perhaps the most commonly used widget in any graphical user interface. Qt stylesheets make it possible to customize the look of Qt applications without having to master the magic behind Qt styles. Hiii. The documentation is clear about "common" widgets (like QComboBox or QScrollBar) but not about properties of more problematic widgets like QHeaderView (which is the widget It turns out this is very easy to implement using Qt Style Sheets. For example, the QComboBox draws the drop-down sub-control followed by the down-arrow sub-control. The padding falls inside the border, between the border and the actual contents. Jul 1, 2015 · In the last reply it was suggested the use of the following code: QPixmap pixmap ("image. Here is a tiny test program (with qtcreator but it can also be done with coding): 1, create an qt application 2, drag in a QPushButton, set it to flat and checkable 3, add these Oct 16, 2013 · all buttons size is truncated to the size of the text. Apr 26, 2018 · Everything works like the background color and so on, but the icon doesn't change. 4- Change its size (height and width) I experimented with my stylesheet file and I found out that these two selectors are responsible for style of checked items highlightation: QWidget:item:selected { border: 0px solid #999900; background: transparent; } QWidget:item:checked { font-weight: bold; } The concepts, terminology, and syntax of Qt Style Sheets are heavily inspired by HTML Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) but adapted to the world of widgets. qproperty-icon: theme_url("/button_action/add"); } The type-selector QAbstractButton allows you to set the style for the selected object and all its subclasses. AFAIK, there's no stylesheet for that button icon. QToolButton #qt_toolbar_ext_button {qproperty- icon: url ( your_custom_image_url )} But the icon will be reset when toolbar's orientation changed, so if your toolbar's Apr 20, 2010 · You can add the icon by changing the QAbstractButton-property. as colors to make it closer to system look but it won't look 100% native. Dec 17, 2017 · In Qt Designer Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) transparent background gave me Black color , so Stylesheet of Qpush Button settings: border : 0; background: transparent; i´ve spent hours trying. Detailed Description. self. To indicate to the user that the field is mandatory, one effective (albeit esthetically dubious) solution is to use yellow as the background color for those fields. 1)frameShape - Panel. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. A command button is rectangular and typically displays a text label Feb 8, 2011 · There is something unusual there. Oct 15, 2020 · wrote on 15 Oct 2020, 20:42. For example the OK buttons became squared. Learn how to customize the look of Qt widgets using style sheets. For this I have done following in Qt designer. Daniel Santos. informativeText: "qt_msgbox_informativelabel". button1->setAutoFillBackground(true); You may want to look at QToolButton which doesn't require it to be flat in order to render an image. Most widgets are revised and their styles were improved. auto newWidth = (int)(winSize. answered Aug 15, 2013 at 22:07. First, we would use the following application-wide style sheet: *[mandatoryField="true"] { background-color: yellow } This means that every widget whose mandatoryField Qt property is set to true would have a yellow background. QtGui as qtg. Through the stylesheet we're overwriting all the default styling. Sep 28, 2016 · In Qt, a style sheet can be applied to a single widget by calling QObject::setStyleSheet () function in C++ code. How to set the button's style sheet to have 1. Typical buttons are OK, Apply, Cancel, Close, Yes, No and Help. You have to set the flat attribute to true: button1->setFlat(true); You also have to set the autofillbackground -. but the colors will be fixed and no system style (gradients, animation etc) will be applied. Feb 8, 2011 · 4. Oct 29, 2016 · To get a button with only an image showing by default, then a different image on hover, I tried having an icon set in the editor and playing around with the onSelected, onActive, etc. Yes I know, never said setStyleSheet() appends. you can use stylesheet to style it. QSpinBox { padding-right: 15px; /* make room for the arrows */ border-image: url (:/images/frame. Attempt #2: Add stylesheet: background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); Result: black rectangle before click, black rectangle after selection. but naturally, it didn't work. The up-arrow is placed in the center of the Contents rectangle of the up-button. #9. iconSize = sz; // Change to real size. Ezee. org. My basic test code so far looks like this: #include <QtWidgets/QApplication> #include <QDialog> #include <QPushButton> #include <QToolButton> #include <QPushButton Jun 23, 2016 · Remove all spaces after colons (really ALL - because it invalidates the further css text) and it will work: QPushButton:disabled {. . In addition, style sheets can be used to provide a distinctive look and feel for your application, without having to subclass QStyle. What did work is inspired from JosephFarrish's answer and goerge's. They are generated via code. Simply use: QAbstractButton {. This class implements an abstract button. Apr 12, 2020 · Change QPushButton opacity on hover and pressed states. Simply use the second line of code to set to the child, and no previous properties will be lost. There is also a page " Qt Style Sheets Examples " that implies that if you want to change the background color, you have to take over all aspects of drawing the Jun 27, 2013 · option. init (this); QPainter p (this); style ()->drawPrimitive (QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p Jun 30, 2020 · wrote on 30 Jun 2020, 23:29. May 14, 2013 · The problem is that I generate the image for the button with QPainter, so if I call button->stylesheet() the function will return an empty qstring because ther isn't really a stylesheet. Sep 19, 2017 · I have created a QPushButton in Qt without applying any style, so it inherits the style from Windows10, with this result: Then I wanted to change temporary the color of the button, so I used: pushButton->setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255,220,220)") getting this result: Already this result does not satisfy me because also the style is May 4, 2016 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. How can i get the default stylesheet colors in python using pyqt. Put your app icon there as well and you got a nice reusable package to customize your UIs. I would like to use the WYSIWIG capabilities of the Qt Designer rather than creating the entire form in code. from PyQt6. Jun 4, 2015 · Once I have this looking as I want it to, I'll add a QListView to provide the drop-down menu and make it appear whenever the unit presses the QToolButton (but not the QPushButton). Usage des feuilles de style. The QPushButton. I'm trying to accomplish some QPushButton-stylechanges, and need some help. The trick here, though, is that I don't want to store all the variables and Nov 29, 2011 · button = QPushButton(self) button. No translation needed, it is a stylesheet: a text document used by qt (and therefore by pyqt, since pyqt calls qt). Jun 25, 2018 · Hello, I'm new to Qt and I'm using Qt Designer. Checkable buttons are implemented in the QRadioButton and QCheckBox classes. It replaces the stylesheet with the current one. Dec 16, 2015 · 3. You can use QFrame with QPushbutton and can get desired shadow effects. download : git clone https://github. Exactly my point. drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, option); // From Qt source. text: "qt_msgbox_label". By default, the up-button is placed in the top right corner in the Padding rectangle of the widget. take a look at this stylesheet example from Note: If the button is created in code and applied to a window before the window is displayed, the button is displayed. Qt also only supports a limited set of CSS commands, to keep things easy. The best way to do this in Qt is to make individual image files for each button state, like in the Style Sheet Examples: Jan 5, 2011 · QPushButton, different stylesheets for focus/pressed/released combinations. Jun 22, 2014 · background: transparent; } QPushButton:hover {. For this we can use CSS Stylesheets in PyQt6, also known as QSS Stylesheets. @QPushButton:checked { }@. 1. Here is what I did : ui->mainToolBar->setStyleSheet("QWidget { background : red; } QToolButton { background : green; }"); The first part of the stylesheet will change the background color of the toolbar where there is no toolbuttons. 4,294 1 15 30. p. Render the QComboBox::drop-down { } rule. {. I'm using a style sheet to set the background color of a QPushbutton: QPushButton {. Jun 20, 2020 · 1. qt-project. 1 or other positive real. answered Sep 26, 2013 at 10:08. 15. I just don't know how to apply a stylesheet with that gray shade - or possibly have a "disabled" option in the stylesheet even Jan 29, 2017 · Consider I have created a button in C++ code named my_button: QPushButton* my_button = new QPushButton ( tr ( "OK" )); Now I want to manipulate this button as follows: 1- Change the font to Italic or Bold (e. edited Feb 24 at 18:55. Personnalisation des couleurs d'arrière-plan et de premier plan. In version 2. Adjusting the size to 64 or 256 did not change the size of the object. Nov 28, 2017 · If QPushButton. – LogoS. For example: if I want to create buttons, which, when pressed, each modify a single aspect of the stylesheet: One button can insert a margin-left attribute of 10. Nov 18, 2016 · Forget about trying to style checkboxes or radio buttons that way in Qt -- it's a nightmare and you will never really get the results you want. I assigned a StyleSheet for a QGroupBox when its activated. 3k 22 100 182. As I said - qss doesn't support it and most likely will not as there are no (that I know of) new features added to the widgets module. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. xl id by cv xc du sw lb ye gh  Banner