Autism hitting head with hand adults. You’re still holding them.

Stimming or self-stimulating behaviour includes arm or hand-flapping, finger-flicking, rocking, jumping, spinning or twirling, head-banging and complex body movements. Sensory Regulation Strategies: Create a sensory-friendly environment and offer sensory tools like fidget toys or noise-cancelling headphones. Recent data, both preclinical and clinical, show that pediatric TBI and ASD share not only similar symptoms but also some of the same biologic mechanisms that cause these symptoms. Medications may be needed to control these intense stimming behaviors. ELPH Safety Band ID: ELPH, Easy Look Up to Phone Home, is Autism stims, short for self-stimulating behaviors, encompass a wide range of repetitive actions that individuals with autism engage in. Dec 11, 2023 · Autistic tics, also known as stimming or self-stimulatory behavior, are repetitive movements, sounds, or actions that individuals with autism spectrum disorder engage in. It often manifests as repetitive body movement, such as humming or hand movements. 4 days ago · The Difference Between a Tantrum and an Autistic Meltdown. Getting Attention: Babies quickly learn that Learn about the causes, impacts, and interventions for self-injurious behaviors in young children with autism from this scholarly work. Sensory sensitivities might also affect your child’s experience of school, including their attention, energy levels and emotions. Provide other sensory stimulating activities (e. For example, squeeze his/her hands and feet, if they allow it, and even massage the jaw. May 17, 2022 · Head banging often starts around 6 months and peaks between 18 and 24 months. Examples of stimming Mar 14, 2022 · Self-soothing through stimming may work to minimize larger responses, such as autism meltdowns. By Carol Tatom, BA. This behavior can vary in intensity and frequency, and it may occur in different contexts and environments. Children with autism may cover their ears to assist with sensory avoidance. autismparentingmagazine. Jun 11, 2013 · This behavior may be the one that terrifies parents the most. Feb 10, 2020 · Only recently has self-injury been examined in autistic people without intellectual disability, the subset of the spectrum at greater risk of suicidality [ 29, 30, 32, 39] and whom appear to engage in self-injury in very similar ways to non-autistic people in so far as age of onset, methods used, and the functional purpose that self-injury . Have your child use a tactile brush around the hair area at transitions (you can buy a bathing brush with bristles at your local drug store). Jun 15, 2022 · Hitting you is their way of enforcing their boundaries. Mar 17, 2024 · Understanding the connection between headbanging and the functions of behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is crucial. The head rotation range (RR) and the amount of rotation per minute (ARPM) in the pitch (head nodding direction Aug 25, 2021 · Key points. In the autistic population, SIBs are highly prevalent, and are considered non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors, due to no apparent intent or willful self-harm. Sensory overload, such as being overwhelmed by loud noises or bright lights, can trigger feelings of distress and result in self-harming behaviors as a coping mechanism. . These tools can help your child manage sensory overload and reduce hitting and laughing behaviors. Sep 20, 2023 · Self-injury, sometimes, but not always at the source of the pain (such as banging/hitting head when having GI pain) Subtle or strong pinching or grabbing body part that source of pain. May 13, 2024 · For example, they might hit or kick people or throw objects. Prevent injuries to your child or others during a meltdown by being in a safe place. Children with autism are often associated with aggressive behavior, such as physical aggression and verbal aggression, including yelling, screaming, tantrums, and outbursts. Tantrums and meltdowns also have different causes. Children's Harnesses by Elaine, Inc. Hand flapping can present itself as a stimming behavior in many ways, including: Moving fingers vigorously; Clicking fingers; Moving arms Take a nap. For instance, Newell and colleagues conducted a biomechanical analysis of head hitting in adults with severe ID, and determined that the physical impact of their SIB was equivalent to the effects of boxing punches. Aggression, such as hitting, biting, scratching, hair-pulling, or kicking another person, is relatively common in children on the autism spectrum. The reasons for stimming can vary depending on the person and environment. When it occurs in public, people shrink away because they don’t understand what is happening. Oct 22, 2018 · Brief report: Prevalence of self-injurious behaviors among children with autism spectrum disorder—A population-based study. It is essential to create a safe environment to minimize the risk of harm. Sleep-related rhythmic movement disorder. A regular baseball cap is also fine, as this will still provide input to the head. 1 Self-injurious behaviors include self-directed repetitive actions such as biting, hitting, head and limb banging, face slapping, hair pulling, and eye poking, which can result in severe injury and represent a troubling problem for patients and caregivers May 19, 2023 · Here are a couple possible explanations, with the first being much, much more common. ly/AUTISMPM→ Try Online Therapy Here (sponsored Common Reasons for This Behavior. This proactive planning not only prevents instances of head-hitting but supports the child in adopting healthier behavioral responses. intense interest in objects other than toys, or lining up May 14, 2024 · Stimming might help autistic children and teenagers cope with and manage strong emotions like anxiety, anger, fear and excitement. Autistic individuals often use stimming as a tool to manage strong emotions such as anxiety, anger, fear, and excitement. Twisting or irregular motions/positions to make accommodations for discomfort. HSE, CHW. Just because it worked to tell your particular child, “no, that hurts — keep your hands to yourself,” it doesn’t mean it will work with all autistic children. These meltdowns are perceived as tantrums because of the hitting, but it is a survival reflex. i honestly feel like i’m gonna end up giving myself a mild concussion or something if i haven’t already. A 2019 study suggests regular physical activity can help a person manage emotions, reduce tension, and relieve stress. Dental Problems: The forceful head banging motion can cause dental issues Mar 4, 2021 · Other strategies to consider. Self-injurious behaviour - a guide for all audiences. One of the primary functions of stimming is emotional regulation. While most stimming behaviors (like hand-flapping or rocking) are harmless, others (like head-banging, scratching, or biting) may cause self-injury or harm others. Try to have a calm environment. Anxiety and depression aren’t symptoms of ASD itself, but many adults experience them in tandem. Some behaviors that children with autism may struggle to control include: Biting their hands and fingers; Hand flapping or rocking ; Screaming or yelling; Hurting themselves by banging or hitting their heads Dec 21, 2021 · echolalia or repeating words or phrases without intent to communicate. Prominent symptoms for both disorders include May 1, 2024 · Some self stimulatory behaviors, like head banging or hand flapping, may garner more attention due to societal expectations for behavior and may cause concern for the person's well-being. Ranging from head-banging, biting, to extreme hand-rubbing or scratching these types of actions can be detrimental to a child and to their parents. Keep calm and don’t overreact. For example, someone on the autism spectrum may make loud noises that sound threatening or hit their head repeatedly against a wall. Bobby has autism and engages in self-injurious behavior. It sounds like you may have given yourself a concussion though and should go to an urgent care or ER. Keep a diary of events and any patterns. i recently picked up a new stim where when overwhelmed with emotions i hit myself in the head REALLY hard. Hand Rubbing. Of all the stimming behaviors, hand flapping is perhaps one that is most noticeable in children with ASD. , jumping on a trampoline, hopping on a hopper ball, etc. Behavioral analysts categorize the underlying reasons for behaviors like headbanging into four primary functions: attention-seeking, escape, access to tangibles, and sensory stimulation [^9^]. Sudden, exaggerated repetitive actions, like hand flapping or throat scratching. This might be head banging on floors, walls or other surfaces, hand or arm biting, hair pulling, eye gouging, face or head slapping, skin picking, scratching or pinching, forceful head May 17, 2024 · Management. In individuals with autism, head banging can manifest as hitting the head with the hands, hitting the head against walls, floors, or other objects. Talk to your doctor about Risperdal, an antipsychotic medicine that has been shown to help tame aggression in autistic children. Physical Risks and Safety Concerns. Lovaas sought to mold behavior by rewarding a child for desirable behaviors, such as following a simple command or attempting to speak, and punishing him Feb 21, 2018 · Self-injurious behavior (SIB), displayed by individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities, involves the occurrence of behavior that results in physical injury to one's own body (Kennedy Krieger Institute). A study of children and teenagers with autism found that 68 percent had been Occasionally I still hit my head but not hard and I can usually stop myself. May 15, 2019 · Stimming can help a person with ASD deal with sensory overload, and anxiety in a postive way. Aug 9, 2023 · 1. For adults with ASD, these behaviors can portend adverse outcomes (e. express frustration, especially if they have trouble communicating effectively. Common forms of self-harm include: biting. ” In our decades of experience working with children and adults with Autism, we have been hit, strangled, kicked, punched, pinched, bitten, slapped, head butted, and scratched by both little children and adults. It is a type of repetitive behavior that can occur for short or long durations. Oct 6, 2020 · Head banging and autism often comes hand-in-hand - it’s extremely common for children with autism to purposely bang their heads. Head banging refers to the repetitive action of hitting one's head against a surface. When I was in 1st or 2nd grade I remember doing that. It might be easier said than done, but try to stay calm and not overreact to your child’s behaviour. If you have an autistic kid, hitting and other aggressive behaviors can often be controlled by some medications. A very good blog post from The Mighty explains in detail what those with ASD experience when stimming and why they need to do it. Apr 25, 2018 · Self-injurious behavior (SIB) is one of the most devastating types of behavior exhibited by children with autism. For example, stimming might help your autistic child to calm down because it focuses their attention on the stim or produces a calming change in their bodies. 10. Impairments in nonverbal communication (including gesture) are now required for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD; American Psychiatric Association 2013), and the absence of early gestures is considered a red flag for ASD Aug 4, 2023 · Implement visual supports, such as picture cards or communication devices, to help them express themselves. Boredom. On a "good" day Bobby (not his real name) hits his head with his fist 500 times an hour. Sometimes the aggressive behaviour is directed towards themselves. ADHD stimming (self-stimulatory behavior) occurs when a person with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder unconsciously repeats certain movements or sounds. July 5, 2024. Self-injurious behaviour is where a person physically harms themselves. repetitive movements including hand flapping, spinning, or rocking. Rubbing the palms or fingers together, typically in a circular or back-and-forth motion. Stimming can Self-injurious behaviors (SIBs) are non-normative behaviors performed with the intent of physical self-harm but without the intent to die. This is painful and they are clearly hurting themselves. , 2020 ), substantially higher than non-clinical samples which range from 17% One possible explanation for self-harm in autism is the difficulty in sensory processing and emotional regulation. Making a plan is really going to be helpful if, while you were assessing, you checked when the behavior happened, as well as when the behavior never happened. Gently grab your child’s arms to stop him from hitting you, and then calmly but firmly mention to him/her “ I see that you are angry but I won’t let you hit me”. The repetitive impact against a solid surface provides a specific sensory input that can be self-soothing or stimulating. Let's discuss challenges, triumphs, interests, and everything in-between. Stimming might also help autistic children and teenagers Dec 15, 2016 · Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two serious conditions that affect youth. Yes, when having a meltdown I’m prone to self harm which usually means hitting myself. Jul 11, 2021 · We’ve been trying hard to stop the hitting behavior. The repeated impact can also lead to more severe injuries, including concussions or fractures. Sep 26, 2021 · However, a child with autism may not be able to control certain behaviors, and it’s important that they are not harshly punished for them. They might slam their head on the walls, floors, beds or other pieces of furniture. Self-soothing: Babies often develop self-soothing mechanisms that help them calm down, fall asleep, or handle uncomfortable situations. Feb 5, 2020 · Stop The Behavior: Stopping the behavior is the first step to properly managing anger episodes. ”. (2020). Sep 15, 2018 · Prevent Head Banging in Autism: Sensory Strategies & Addressing Demands, Frustration, Pain or Attention Seeking. An unfamiliar setting or unfamiliar people. , would go into gigantic tantrums and fits of self-destruction, beating his head black and blue against walls. ) Have a pillow fight. Research from 2013 describes rocking as a common form of stimming among autistic people. Engage in a proprioceptive sensory activity (e. These activities can help ease angry outbursts Jul 8, 2024 · Emotional Regulation and Stimming. Head banging may involve hitting the head with closed fists, using an open palm, or banging the head against walls, floors, or other solid surfaces. haviors such as aggression can be associated with ASD and can further disrupt functioning and quality of life. Deflect and Redirect. Some examples of stimming are rocking, hand flapping, head banging, stroking a piece of cloth; all can serve as a calming Medications. i’ve always hit my head in some form as a stim, but it’s never Jun 20, 2024 · 5. Meltdowns are Feb 18, 2020 · Many children with autism may engage in self-harming behaviours and head banging seems to be one of the most common acts. Do a relaxing activity like coloring or going for a walk in fresh air. Promotes a peaceful resolution and models self-regulation for the child. This article reviews the scientific literature to provide an update on evidence-based Self-injurious behaviors (SIBs) are “a class of behaviors, often highly repetitive and rhythmic, that result in physical harm to the individual displaying the behavior. Autism tics can take various forms, including hand flapping Oct 12, 2021 · Hand flapping. Prevalence of self-injury in autistic individuals may be as high as 42% ( Steenfeldt-Kristensen et al. An autistic meltdown is bigger, more emotional, longer-lasting, and more difficult to manage than a temper tantrum. Hitting their head with their hand might seem unusual to adults, but for some infants, it could simply be a comforting rhythm. Mar 6, 2024 · Autism symptoms in adults may include difficulty making conversation, social anxiety, and limited interest in only a few activities. Children with ASD and typical development (TD) were required to answer ten yes–no questions, and they were encouraged to nod/shake head while doing so. Apr 22, 2024 · Prevalence and risk-markers of self-harm in autistic children and adults. Oct 22, 2021 · adapt to an unfamiliar environment. Holding the hands together, with the fingers interlocked or palms pressed firmly together. Feb 25, 2021 · SIBs are self-inflicted behaviors that have the potential to result in physical injury, such as hand-biting, skin-scratching, self-hitting, head banging, and others. Navigating a “neurotypical” society Oct 28, 2023 · Effective methods to curb head-hitting in autistic children involve teaching strategies such as deep breathing, using counting techniques, or redirecting to calming activities. A top safety product that is comfortable, easy to use, adjustible and more. Do head stands (help your child do this safely and with your help) Engage in some vestibular activities like swinging or rocking in a chair. These behaviors serve various purposes for autistic individuals and can vary widely from person to person. But stimming can be far more Feb 8, 2017 · "Billy, 7, like so many of the thousands of autistic children in the U. "Stimming" refers to self-stimulating behaviors. hitting. It includes the repetitive use of an object, such as flicking a rubber band or twirling a piece of string, or repetitive activities involving the senses (such as Oct 8, 2023 · Autistic people may stim in certain situations and in the presence of certain types of sensory input. Some examples include humming, pacing, teeth grinding, and rocking, though there are many others. SIBs are more common in children with ASD than those who are typically developing or have other neurodevelopmental See full list on autism. The short-term results of this self-abuse are absolutely sickening. It is viewed as them trying to express that they are: happy, excited, anxious, or Make an Autism and Hitting Plan. These challenging behaviors can be stressful for families to deal with every Mar 31, 2005 · The literature has focused on the etiology of self-injury in young children, and few studies have focused on the treatment of self-injurious head banging and head hitting in young children with Head banging refers to the repetitive act of hitting one's head against objects or surfaces, often done with force. Muffling the sound can help reduce the pain and discomfort. it scares me when it happens. , harm to others or to the individual with ASD, hindering of employment opportunities, criminal justice system involvement). Head banging usually happens when your baby goes down for a nap, goes to sleep for the night, or shortly after waking. These are behaviors that an individual engages in that may cause physical harm, such as head banging, or self-biting. Tantrums are typically manipulative, where a child tries to get what they want by crying, screaming, or making a scene. The repetitive motion of hitting the head against objects or surfaces can result in injuries such as bruises, cuts, and even concussions. It’s not clear why rates of aggression are so much higher in autistic people, but it’s known that aggression will present itself in different ways depending on the person. Joy, happiness, or excitement. Sit in a dim room listening to calming music. 6 days ago · 9. It doesn’t sound like there’s a problem. While it can be frustrating for parents, there is usually a reason behind this behavior. It is imperative for parents and caregivers to recognize and act upon the early indications of distress to mitigate aggressive behaviors. After fully assessing the hitting, make a plan around how to prevent hitting. When autistic children and teenagers feel completely overwhelmed, they can have meltdowns. Hitting can cause injury ranging in degrees of severity, such as bruising, broken skin, fractured or broken bones, or concussions. Stimming is one of the diagnostic criteria for autism. It's sometimes called self-harm. Kicking – Another common form of aggression displayed by children with autism is kicking. If Feb 1, 2024 · Hand flapping is seen as a way to escape the over stimulating sensory input present in the environment. It’s a focus at home and in ABA therapy. Hang upside down or invert the head. Interestingly, this habit often occurs right before a child falls Aug 18, 2023 · Autistic people often respond to sensory overload with repetitive behaviors known as stimming. Research suggests that 50% of autistic people engage in some form of self-injurious behaviour, even if it is only once in their lifetime. Other Feb 25, 2021 · Hitting can range from an open-handed slap to a closed-fisted punch, and some outbursts may even injure themselves or others. Head hitting. And that doesn’t sound like no. Aug 25, 2021 · When laypeople think of autistic stimming behaviours, they tend to think of head banging, hand flapping, or sitting on the ground and twirling over and over. " 21 Dr. These behaviors can vary greatly from person to person but often involve actions like hand/arm flapping, finger flicking, rocking back and forth, or tapping objects. Dec 13, 2017 · Download our FREE guide here:https://www. avoid certain activities or expectations. SIB is defined as behaviors that result in physical injury to an individual’s own body (Center for Autism Research; The Children Feb 20, 2024 · Get regular exercise. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(11), 3607-3614 The NHS define self-harm as: “When somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. Apr 12, 2014 · A key area of concern in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are self-injurious behaviors (SIBs). But why do they do that? Here are a few reasons why head banging happens: Sensory Processing Issues Head banging is a sign of sensory Hitting – Hitting can range from slapping with an open hand to punching with a closed fist, with extreme force. An example is head-banging. Choose a good time when your child is receptive to learning and teach breathing exercises, meditation, and counting from one to ten. Put your child down. Loud, crowded places. You can also offer other kinds of physical activity, like doing a chase game. Lynch, T. Toddler hitting head with hand is a common behavior that toddlers often engage in. Examples of stimming triggers include: Anxiety or stress. It is common among people on the autism spectrum. Discomfort. Oct 26, 2017 · The physical impact of SIB has been demonstrated to be of significant concern for the health and well-being of the individual. Other options include various SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and mood An Autistic Community that is centered around women, afabs, nb, queer, trans, and others that are not cis men. Some of the potential risks associated with head banging in autism include: Physical Injury: Head banging can result in injuries, such as bruises, cuts, and bumps on the head. From an autistic perspective, you were in the wrong and they were in the right. Repeated raps to the side of the head and face can also detach retinas, making the self-abuser blind. Gently guide the child away from hitting and towards a more appropriate physical action, like tapping. Say “No biting,” put them down and then pick them up. Journal of autism and developmental disorders , 50 (10), 3561-3574. reduce anxiety and calm themselves. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the most common Some children with autism have self-injurious behavior (SIB) such as striking the body with hands or objects, hitting head against a fixed surface, and biting or scratching skin (American Psychiatric Association, 2000; Matson & LoVullo, 2008). Dec 7, 2023 · Preventing hitting in children with autism starts with observing warning signs and intervening early. com/autism-self-harm/For children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), head banging is a com Oct 29, 2020 · The Eschers participate in SPARK, the largest study of autism, to help advance our understanding of the condition. Other times when hand flapping can be observed in children (both verbal and non-verbal) is when they are trying to express or communicate to others around them. Use a weighted blanket or a favorite sensory tool. Sensory sensitivities can affect an autistic child’s whole family. We just need to have an interruption and no, and then wait a little bit and then resume. You’re still holding them. It's important to remember that hand posturing in autism is not necessarily harmful or indicative of distress. When children and teenagers hurt themselves, it’s called self-injurious behaviour. A simple statement like this will show your child that you care and validate his Dec 2, 2023 · Maintain Composure. going for a walk, jumping on a trampoline, carrying heavy objects) Autism stimming caused by anxiety may benefit from medication if severe enough. If recovery from meltdowns is taking significant time or energy, you might want to look at the topic of autistic burnout. And in Charlie’s case, suggesting something like this, while understanding the Communicative co-speech gestures are spontaneously produced hand movements that occur during speech and add both semantic and pragmatic content to communication. Don’t say, “no biting mommy” or “ouch that hurts. It is a form of self-injurious behavior that can cause physical harm. S. Once hitting starts, it can become dangerous for the child and for others. Jul 5, 2024 · Use calming devices like a fidget toy, noise-canceling headphones, or a weighted vest. Oftentimes, non-autistic parents invade their autistic children’s space during autism meltdowns or autism shutdowns. Take a shower. You’re feeling really down or tense in general. Do you hit your head when you are having an autism meltdown? 📘50% OFF AUTISM PARENTING MAGAZINE → http://bit. : Child safety harnesses for baby or toddler; child-to-adult safety harnesses for larger children and those with special needs; and safety harnesses to use with an Autism Dog. On a bad day the count may go up to 1,800 hits per hour. Jul 11, 2021 · Our study investigated the feasibility of using head movement features to identify individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). SH Trigger warning if this topic makes you uncomfortable. Head banging poses physical risks and safety concerns for individuals with autism. Frustration, anger, or unhappiness. org Self-injury is the attempt or act of causing harm to a person’s own body severe enough to cause damage. head banging. The long-term results are much worse. It helps them calm down and focus their attention, thus acting as a coping mechanism. 1 In addition to challenges caused by core symptoms of the disorder, maladaptive behaviors such as aggression can be associated with ASD and can further disrupt functioning and Feb 8, 2023 · Stimming is a term for self-stimulatory behavior. Additional examples of All audiences. Sensory Regulation: Head banging may help children with autism regulate their sensory experiences. Communication: In some cases, head banging can be a form of communication. For more information about Aggressive Behaviors and Intense Energy, see Aggressive Behaviors & Intense Jul 5, 2024 · Autistic Child Hitting Parents: Ideas and Solutions. For autistic children who are hypersensitive to sound, it can lead to pain or discomfort when the sounds become too loud for them. Autistic kids and children with disabilities may show a wide range of challenging behaviors such as property destruction, physical aggression towards others, and, quite often too, self-injurious behavior. Self injury can present in a wide range of behaviors including head banging, hand-to-head banging, body slamming, hitting or punching oneself, eyeball pressing, biting oneself, wound picking, and hair pulling. The use of music through headphones can help depending on the cause. It’s no surprise that by the age of three, infants undergo a variety of developmental, emotional, and physical changes. For example, if your child is sensitive to noise, it might limit where your family goes or the kinds of activities your family does. Techniques such as distraction, providing a clear means of communication, and ensuring the child knows Jan 4, 2024 · People with ADHD often rely on stims to help pay attention and focus more, whereas people with autism tend to use stims to help cope with too much stimulation or excitement. g. 1. Your child's head banging habit may last for several months or years, though most outgrow it by age 5. Some children get bursts of energy, which can be released by your squeezes. INTRODUCTION TO SELF-INJURIOUS BEHAVIOR. Use a weighted hat/weighted halo to provide proprioceptive input to the head. 2. Do any of you do the classic autistic meltdown head hitting/slapping thing when you're Jan 8, 2021 · Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by markedly impaired social interaction, impaired communication, and restricted/repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. Many things can trigger aggressive behaviors like hitting, scratching, and biting, but these are some of the most common in children with autism: Feeling very anxious or stressed; Trying to communicate; Being in physical Jul 3, 2024 · Studies of children with autism have shown that 68% will express aggression toward a caregiver, while 49% will express aggression toward someone else. Reacting to aggression with aggressive behaviour is never the answer and will only make the situation worse. Whilst some children outgrow this behaviour before school age, some may continue to have so-called ‘head banging syndrome’ for years. Remain calm and avoid showing a physical response to hitting, which may reinforce the behavior. People with autism may stim to cope with sensory overload, to communicate, to 6 days ago · Covering their ears may serve as a way to block out some of the sounds. it’s so hard to control it almost feels like a tic and comes out of no where. Behaviors resulting from stimming in autism Aug 13, 2023 · August 13, 2023 by Mark Joseph. Parents tell us that their children will hit them for no apparent reason, that it happens “out of the blue. They are often worried about the child giving him or herself a concussion or brain damage. of tv xb nj sr yb oj pu kg th