Aita for asking my sister what she expected. More specifically, you’re a mooch.

Jul 20, 2023 · AITA (Am I the As*hole) for asking my sister if she’s had enough attention? My (30F) sister (36) is pregnant with her second child. So I guess one is turkey and the other is pineapple. We're still grieving, which lowers out contact with a lot of people, including my sister and BIL. AITA for asking my sister WTF she expected to happen at her shitshow of a bachelorette party? (Originally Posted August 2nd, 2023) For some reason my (F32) sister (23) and her fiance (25) decided that the very best way to celebrate before getting married was to have a joint bachelor/bachelorette party. When she turned 18 my parents adopted her so she'd have family legally to fall back on who would be there for her and since then she has been treated the very same as me and my sister. Well, what we hadn't known was that when our great-grandma died, she left my dad all that she had which came up to a sum of a couple thousand dollars that they decided to save for us. Because I did go to my sister so she could do my makeup my mom and her husband were pretty pissed off that I went again knowing she excluded our stepsister. I’ve mentioned to her nicely to change before but 25K views, 152 likes, 360 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Reels from The Journal That Talks Back: AITA For Asking My Sister What She Expected After My She began to help with bills, but at some point began thinking about maybe going to school. She then scoffed and told me that I was being ridiculous for not sharing with my sister. Herself and her kids are her expense. Jada is from a previous relationship but my ex adopted her when she was very young. In fact, she gave him my Yeah. you should send a message to your father, and tell him (you jeopardize your relationship with your only son, and you say I have no choice, a 15 years old share a bedroom with 5 years old that’s not acceptable, his sister which is younger and they should want to be their for their brother they don’t want to, and their mother didn’t force Get to the place and start calling my sister (she usually doesn’t say if she’s gonna be late, but if my mom is with her she does, and I hadn’t heard anything). I (F27) am a single mom to three kids; 5, 3, and 2. They had it planned so the kids would be about a year apart. Her dog was extremely frail and timid so I think this was a fair assessment. Your stepdad doesn’t automatically have that right just because he’s been in her life for 15 years. No. AITA for giving my sister a reality check about raising a child? Not the A-hole. Anyway. I guess there was also multiple times AITA for asking about my share of inheritance? Not the A-hole. My headache wasn't major but was painful enough for me to ask my mom (73F) to turn her phone down while getting ready for work. Also you need to tell your sister to stop asking your mom. This made my mum cry and my dad apoplectic. Help keep the sub engaging! Not the A-hole. But I'm actually curious to see how this pans out. I went up to my mom and asked what I can do to help. But still it's only a 3 year difference and at 2/3 years old, you don't really remember spending time with your friends so still strange logic to me as well. My ex-husband left soon after my youngest was born and has since moved out of state. My sister loves it. Cousin had kids, she expected my mother to watch the kids 5 days a week for 8-9 hours a day without pay. I think this is extremely unfair. She told me she would talk to her sister as she's a personal trainer. I get mom a few mins later and she says they’re behind because it took awhile to get my nephew who’s almost 1 ready and my sister got in the shower later than expected. You cursed her out called her a b and insulted her. Its also free money she's getting in return for literally nothing. 2) I am the only one in my family that can help her without growing in debt myself. Well done! you did the right thing. We had a family meeting at my parents' home about 2 weeks after the original thing went down. My sister and her husband live in a tiny apartment with no room for my mom. but Anne refused to have any contact with her or talk about anything wedding-related with her whatsoever. . Asshole. When I paid for the place I let them know how much it cost (2. My girlfriend of 2 yrs recommended I try yoga. The rest of the time, my kids were left to fend for themselves and take care of the 3yo - including meals. Please stop treating my sister as if she's a malicious monster, this debacle is between me and my parents. ADMIN MOD. I thought this was strange but my brother said they My parents knew about our relationship, as did some friends. Exactly this, even the richest of people wouldn't pay someone to clean if they could do it themselves. The reason your relatives are giving you grief is because (i) they're afraid that they'll be asked to close the gap you left when you stopped, either by babysitting directly, or be contributing towards childcare costs. Throwaway because some of my family follows my main. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I refuse to pay for my sister's dream wedding and only gave her 3k gift. I would like to know I am the A-hole for not planning to throw my sister's baby shower when she was hinting. You could have just said no. My mom is in her mid-60s, divorced, makes poverty wages, and lives with my sister. I wouldn’t watch them any more. I agreed, my girlfriend,myself, and her AITA For Asking My Cousin What She Expected For Changing Religions Like They’re Clothes? So my (21F) cousin Vickie (32F) has picked up a strange habit the past few years. May 30, 2024 · Soon my sister jumped up and excitedly screamed when she saw the shirt. She made me feel guilty saying that she would've done it for free and that it wasn't my girlfriend's fault my mom wanted to come early and stay in a hotel. She told me it wouldn't hurt me to share. My sister Julia20 lives with us because we live close to her college. OP'S sister is older than her, so if she was friends with the best friend as babies/toddlers she would technically have known her longer. Read through OOP’s comments for all the extra info. chefs kiss… NTA. Mom then started asking dad to buy gifts for my half sister's birthday and for Christmas. When my sister woke up, she almost NTA. ) since we are both child free it would be unfair to ask my husband to make this kind of sacrifice. Baby is due in fourteen weeks, so they'll have a thirteen m/o, seven m/o and a newborn. S. But honestly, I think she needed to hear For one thing, she refused to work and expected him to support her and her mother whom she had brought with her when moving here. You shouldn't have to pay more money while losing a portion of your home. It really really upset me. She doesn't have an income source or financial stability that I do. She moved in with our aunt, who supported her, as our parents were disgusted by her cruel actions, and I was too. All my siblings knew I was adopted, but I was never treated any differently and I had never felt like I wasn't a part of the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She’s Mexican and she’s coming for thanksgiving. Or our son's (she nearly gave away his $300 Switch without asking). OOP is right -her sister deliberately excluded her from the wedding party and probably simply dislikes her - and for plenty of good reason. For some context, I have three siblings, my half sister 16, my stepbrother 24, and my stepsister 21. At strip clubs. My sister has a habit of eating my food/leftovers from our family’s fridge, and insists that I (F) am TA for getting mad at her. Just. As the title says, tldr at the bottom. NTA. So my [19F] sister [23F] is getting married in a few months after a long engagement. Sure it was immature, but sometimes, like deserves to be met with like. My sister called me later and yelled at me for upsetting James and trying to make him jealous to get his attention. She's okay but I don't think of us as close or as sisters. We’ve all respected that. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. you and your sister alternate babysitting days) and it's undue stress/work. Her first child, she didn’t find out the sex until she gave birth. Advice: keep an eye on Tia since sister wants her dead for some reason. We both agreed to no kids when we got married; to change something like that generally means a divorce. ) I am atheist, my sister wants me to raise them religious and to “know god” and take them to church. I m gonna go to this dinner party because I want to hear their story and officially tell them leave me alone. My baby sister just had a baby and our mom came to help. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. She thinks we should have an engagement party when we are in Disneyland and wants my sister to sleep in our room so that the 2 of them can have privacy. I forgot to mention in the original post, but my sister Haley got engaged a couple months back. a similar thing happened with my cousin and mother. A few weeks ago we decided to start sharing the news that we are expecting our first child, since she’s now in her second trimester. Not the A-hole. Leave her out of it, please. I was immediately taken a back. That night I get a bunch of messages from my girlfriends mom getting really upset with me for asking my girlfriend for money for the trip. And then the sister pressing it with slagging off my taste in music cos she doesn't get a card. My 26 year old sister recently had a baby shower hosted by my mom. I bet she’s afraid to personally ask you bc you’ll probably say no. DeterminedArrow. For one thing, she refused to work and expected him to support her and her mother whom she had brought with her when moving here. It shouldn’t be anyone’s. Julia likes to leave the bedroom in a big shirt and underwear, or just a robe, or walk around the house in her sports bra, booty shorts. Did you see her reply where she said her sister doesn't have to let the guests inside the house because she'll get the porta-a-potties? Absolutely gorgeous new house, pool, tennis court, port-a-potties and 60 guests - I don't know how the sister could say no to such a generous "compromise"! my sister in law has been in my and my families life for over a decade and over half of that she was with my brother and i would want her at a big event that other family is at, and i have gotten upset in the past when she wasn’t, hell i got more upset she didn’t show up to this fashion show i was a designer in more than i was upset that my Genuinely my new favourite AITA post. (ii) they don't want anyone else in the f Feb 20, 2023 · Tell your sister her party her choice just like your wedding your choice - you’ll get over the non invite just as you expected your niece to get over not being invited to your wedding! #AITA #Reddit #Storytime #AmITheAsshole #RedditStories #FriendshipDrama #TruthTelling #MoralDilemmas #fyp #fypviral"AITA for asking my sister WTF she expecte NTA. If so, I might have a new favourite sister! Jk lol. this is a confusing one sorry i 20 f am dating my sister Lucy's ( 28 f ) boyfriend (josh 29 m) of 3 ish years that she broke up with. I was hurt because my sister in law didn’t try to correct them. I asked my mom why she offered my food to Emma without asking if it was okay first. Every time we go to their house to visit, they always just sit and make ME watch the two children. I’ve never seen the appeal of a big wedding, but watching The entitlement is sure strong with this one. But things between I guess my mom got fired and when she got a new job it was demoted. She already had a few months to save, get a job, or do whatever she needed to do to help stabilize herself and the situation. I told her that it is unfair to us as we not the ones who hurt her. So I (21F) woke up early this morning with a bad headache. Dad was at work, while my sisters were in the kitchen helping out. Also what she said was totally vile. I am begging you, I don't want to hear why you think my sister sucks. AITA for asking my mother to leave because she won't stop wasting my food. Nobody owes her fun money. You don’t want to come home and learn Tia “ran away” when sister was around. Wtf also 45 isn’t even remotely close to old. As you may recall my sister had a coed bachelor/bachelorette party that went sideways. OP didn't ask what sister thought she'd done (clarified in comments) or give sister any information. Eat a big slice of humble pie, apologize and re-invite both your sister and her husband to your wedding (with no strings attached and no expectation of any work, from either of them) but don’t be surprise if they both decline to come. e. She’s taken to changing denominations or religions, and has done so about a half dozen times. He’s 9 now. AITA for asking my sister to watch my children. I had a bit too much to drink last night while crying to a friend on the phone. We were having people over yesterday and my mom was hosting, so she was making food and cleaning. My sister is 23 year old and she moved in with us for college. Her husband's company lost a lot of money and paid less. I 25f and my Husband 27 have a home together with our 4 year old. You made the decision to take in your siblings and you are providing for them. Like, it’s their business. I feel so distant from the person she has become. I got a random call from a reporter asking to interview me for a magazine piece on men resorting to surrogacy to have kids. Idk, I'd be pretty pissed if my sister insinuated my husband was cheating on me just cos he got me something nice. Lately, due to some things she said, my mom has been suspicious, and often asks me if she will actually return as she My sister is not a scapegoat to hate disabled people. true. OP - NTA, and stop paying money!! Tell your mother that due to the fact that you’ve been sending her a monthly allowance and paid for the upkeep of the house, the only fair deal is that you and your sister get an equal share. All around disgusting. I think she was the a-hole for the way she went about it, but then again, it is not traditional for someone to throw their own baby shower and typically someone close to the mother does offer to throw it, so maybe we really are the a-holes. My otherwise lovely grandmother treated my mom far worse than she treated her dead beat son (aka my uncle). This wouldn’t have bothered me if it was excitement fueling all of those conversations, but instead it was stress. Now, this is a long standing conflict but it has always made me feel like a crazy person. -1. I am (20) a single mother of 8 month olds boy-girl twins who is a college student and living alone with my 17 year old sister. James was there with my sister and he was pissed and left early. r/AmItheAsshole. After our divorce my ex moved in with his brother who lives in a 3 bedroom house. Walking someone (daughter, sister, friend) down the isle is a privilege, not a right. I could be the asshole because this is in light of her divorce. The day woulda been better for everyone if OOP had stayed her obnoxious, whining ass at home. My mom went back to court to ask for child support and got it. She and my mom spent nearly the entire year in the leadup to the event talking about it. Therefore there were TWO adults in the house and neither of them watched their kid the entire time my kids were there. AITA for breaking down and yelling at my younger sister. My husband and I (both 30) lost our best friends, Mason and his wife, Kate, two weeks ago in a horrible car accident. But they did that so they could talk to me. This time, she and her husband did but have decided not to tell anyone. Anne really struggled against the decision which lead to a massive fight My parents would tell me we'd get closer with time and she was just struggling with having a younger kid around so much. My grandma is particularly excited as she never really considered my brother the settle down type and the prospect of her last name being passed down is a big deal to her. Oh - and her current baby is IVF, with donor eggs, for everyone who was wondering. My sisters MIL reached out to my parents asking for everyone to meet up on neutral terms so we can all work out our differences. 3k +/-). My younger sister was never really an easy person to deal with, always making fun of and harassing my older sister who went days on end giving her, and sometimes me, the silent Dad's stepdaughter is 4. But my sister didn't want to do it and I still wanted my sister to do it and didn't care that I wouldn't have my stepsister there. For a few weeks she followed our house rules but all of a sudden one day my fiancée came home earlier then expected at 5:30 PM-ish and found my sister and her girlfriend in our bed doing the ‘devils tango’. You don't even owe her tuition. I agreed to let her stay with me since I live only eight blocks away. She asks her bc she knows she’ll say yes and volunteer you. When my son was born, though, I remember my sister coming to visit him in the hospital which actually somewhat surprised me, but when she saw her nephew she said "I don't like kids, but he's Context: last year she moved to a country far away, intending to stay there for a few years. Oct 19, 2023 · My boss told them leave who knows the situation and has a 5 year old herself so she’s on my side. If she expected an easy cleaning job then she was sorely mistaken and you were right for pointing out the fault in her thinking. If your family is upset, then they should be offering to help. She yelled at my mum for reasons she yelled at me for: favouritism, preferential treatment, called her a bad parent etc. The thing is that the kids used to go over to her house, but right now they couldn’t because my sister was fostering an elderly chihuahua. 29. I seethed with jealously throughout the entire thing and apparently I made my sister and her friends so uncomfortable my mom asked me to leave. My sister called it, and she evidently had a bone to pick. I thought it was a joke but he had all sorts of information including the names of my kids and what I did for work. They wanted two close together, their son just popped in in the middle. She has her own room. Childcare is a very demanding job for nice children, let alone "unholy terrors". It was so sudden and so heart-wrenching. Our parents told me I was adopted when I was 10. Our family is close, and she knew they'd be shook, so she decided to say she would only stay for one year, and asked me to do the same. And when she declined, you threatened her and now you’re sad that you have no leverage. i know there's a whole thing surrounding dating a siblings ex but please hear me out. I am so sorry. It's walkable. My sister (26f) was home from college when we made the announcement after we got together at our parents place. Original. UPDATE: AITA for asking my sister to leave after she tried to kick me out of my own house? - 10 March 2021 It has been a few months since my last post and a lot has changed. She kinda signed and told me I have eyes. Her fiance [24M] has been supportive to her through the entire process which isn’t hard given he is the definition of a gym bro but she was just fat and didn’t care while they were dating UPDATE. Fast forward to now, she got engaged and wanted to introduce her fiancé, Axel (26M Until you experience your valuable equipment missing, you have no say. There’s tension between us that I’m not sure will ever go away, even though it really pains me as well because she's my sister. A party to show that they cared about the events in her life. She said she’s bringing both sweet and savory tamales. I 26M have decided to work on my flexibility and mobility due to my injuries from playing soccer in high school/college. So maybe And now, obviously, the little bit that he does, isn’t looking too good. My sister [16F] and I [18F], got along pretty well before my older sister [20F] moved out. My ex and I have 2 kids together (Cora F14, Jada F17). Yeah, I don't think OPs response was in AH territory. 1. “You should feel honored to watch my kids” a lot of people have kids and think the world owes them now We haven’t spoken to them since her first kid was about 1 year. My brother just married Sara. $50 a month is very little. Your excuses are weak. AITA for asking my sil if she’s bringing anything else? Asshole. My father and husband had a talk with several of the miscreants that would be attending the wedding and put the fear of, if not God, then at least them into the children. (Edit : She has a job and her own place) Two weeks ago, She visited us and she told us that she is pregnant. My sister is in her early 30s, single, and a professional and makes somewhere around 50K. She does yoga 3 times a week and is incredibly flexible and agile. 323 votes, 608 comments. This was the last straw, doesn't matter that I won it, I had plans for it. I was having the same thoughts a year later when I graduated. I told her that she knew she was getting a cheat when she decided to date my sloppy seconds and he was no longer my problem. She began going through people's things, making snide comments, and she even told me that I was privileged and said she would use our daughters name for her daughter, while I was in labor. My sister's BF lives there full time and doesn't work either, so he never leaves. Story for another time. She moved out after she graduated. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. AITA for asking my mom what she needs help with. We’re adults and this comes up when we’re both at home visiting our parents (pre corona btw) but has Glittering-Mouse-892. Once my dad heard some of the revelations, he decided that Anne should go to a therapist. I make closer to 80k. AITA for asking my sister WTF she expected to happen at her shitshow of a bachelorette party? For some reason my (F32) sister (23) and her fiance (25) decided that the very best way to celebrate before getting married was to have a joint bachelor/bachelorette party. 2. They all then immediately assumed it was my sister in law. Worse, my sister was very cold to him during this and would just say she wasn't ready for a future to be treated like that by him and his family. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) The action I took was that I did not ask my girlfriend if she was ok (2) That action might make me the asshole because I haven't considered her feelings and asked her if she is ok. That doesn't mean you have to provide your adult sister with luxuries. 13M subscribers in the AmItheAsshole community. OP just assumed whatever Tom told her sister must be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, sister is probably crazy. If you were hoping for more fuckery you will be sorely disappointed. I (32, F) am the eldest child in a family of eight (dad, mom, 2 brothers (17, 25) and 3 sisters (29, 27, 15). The incident in question happened a week ago. I told my sister she needed to grow up, and I feel that her actions are selfish, and she has an inability to process her own emotions, so she takes it out on her family. My ex's brother finished the basement and gave it to Cora and gave the smallest room to Jada. After Christmas, my sister called me to apologize for what she had said, she told me she had been dealing with a lot of issues at that time and she didn’t mean what she said. Your sister made a choice, and she wants you to walk her down the isle. etc. You didn’t “ask” your sister to babysit, you expected her to. They haven't set a date yet, but she mentioned to my dad wanting to invite me AND even my mum! Let's see if she follows through. . Aug 4, 2023 · #reddit #voiceover #aita #subreddit Throughout the whole wedding process my mum kept asking Anne if she would invite Ruby, if she would ask Ruby’s opinion, etc. My sister decided move in with me because our parents are super overbearing and always makes all of our decision for us and can be pretty extreme in their punishments when I(15M) told my Half sister(30F) and Mother(54F) that I no longer wish to watch my sisters children when we visit them or they visit us. I'm trying to get her to stop, but doesn't listen and she has no respect for my stuff. P. My sister is a bit of rebel who swears she'll never get married or have kids, and who claims to not even like kids. YTA: So instead of telling your sister no you don't want to babysit or respectfully talking to her about how her husband is not respecting her and not being a parent. You should be paid, since there is no benefit to you (i. Unemployment is at an all time low and restaurants have been opened for more than the last 3 months. She didn’t want to have the wedding until she lost weight. More specifically, you’re a mooch. They left behind their son Pete, who isn't even two yet. I wasn’t hurt my them assuming this and I kind of expected it because she is married. My dad's wife's daughter wasn't home. Dad's wife told me that she and my dad needed me to know that her daughter would need me more than ever. Mom wants you to be mature and also keep the peace. We didn't even know she was seeing someone. It was everything I wanted for my announcement. It was a nightmare. Stealing that special bottle of mead was especially rude. I asked how he got my information and be said from Mrs F who is a friend of his. My sister claims she couldn’t have them over for the time being because they would stress out the dog. My sister said I'm an asshole, and my mom said I was being a contrarian. For the past six-eight years my stepsister has been living with her mom, who in my opinion, is actually crazy and tells nonstop lies about about my stepdad, saying the usual crap. So I held her accountable with cash. She is a human being with feelings, she is not a statistic, she is not evil. My (32F) sister (36F) already has 6 kids with her husband (40M), which is way more than they can comfortably provide for given what I know about their financial troubles, and also way more than both of them can handle, since it came to a point where my older niece (15F) is treated as an unpaid babysitter by her parents and constantly expected to help with her younger siblings. But it didn't make the difference she expected. I think she was with a friend of my dad's or something. NTA—Tia will wag her tail and want pets from your sister because dogs are far kinder to people than people deserve. My (27M) sister (24F) got married last Saturday. They also hired a bus limo for the evening. He also has my sister (26f) as an aunt. I then reminded her that I bought the smokies myself with my own money. lx fg aq bf gj uw kw mj ag zr